I wanted to see some people my age and other peoples age…
After you put your age in the poll then write a post and say your name…just so i can get to know people better…
My name is Isaac. And Im 12. Going to be 13 in June.
I wanted to see some people my age and other peoples age…
After you put your age in the poll then write a post and say your name…just so i can get to know people better…
My name is Isaac. And Im 12. Going to be 13 in June.
your name?
You’re acting kind of stalker-ish. Just sayin’.
sorry…not trying to…im just 12…i just want to meet people.
K screw this thread people are just getting mad at me.
Nar dude,
I’m 21, my ‘real name’ is Jono, and i live in a small place called Tasmania, in Australia
hi. thanks for being friendly…
Jason - 19
Hello Jason.
I was mad at you? Hmm. Didn’t know that. Thanks for telling me though. A good tip is to not take anything I say too seriously. And don’t be easily offended about stuff over the internet. There is no tone, and no gestures, so messages are usually misconstrued. Don’t worry about it.
My name’s Alex (in my signature), and I’m 17 (under my avatar).
Hi Alex, ok well thanks for the Advice.
my name is Gumble-Ja-Hubba-Whitty and I am 39…
My name is my own (although you can find it a few places on this site)
Eric Pulvermacher - 21
As for my age, i give you 3 guesses, the first two don’t count.
My name is Jesus. I’m 48 years old.
Hi, Isaac. I’m Dave. I’m 42.
Somebody is probably going to tell you there are already a million “how old are you” threads. But don’t worry about it. This is the “Isaac wants to meet you thread”, so it’s different.
How long have you been riding? I started a little over four years ago.
Hi Isaac,
I’m Terry, but I don’t remember my age…must be getting to old! (51 going on 15! )