how much time do you think we got here?

God has his plan for everyone. Once I die, I will go to heaven, when that will be, it in his hands. I plan to live a long time, I eat healthy, I excercise, my fmaily has always had a long lifetime, so I have no worries at all.

Hmm, the complete end would kinda be the Rapture, it kinda will, but kinda won’t. There is actually a really good series that is about the rapture, I have been reading it before I was a born again christian, and I still am reading it, I need to find the 7th book so I can start again.

The book is called ‘Left Behind’ I suggest everyone to read it. I always found myself staying up to about 6am reading, and then it was hard to go tob ed cause I wanted tor ead it more.

Two pages of posts in several hours? We obviously got a lot of time here.

Does EVERY thread have to be a Jesus thread!!! For the love of god!!! You guys don’t even get 72 virgins.

I’ll be where the party is.

We are just stating our belief of the time issue. DOn’t reply if you don’t like it. Im out.


P.S. The party will be in Heaven with all of our fellow Christians.

What is this thread even about?

Except, that is a fiction book, and we don’t really even know if there will really be a rapture or not, or when/if it will happen. :slight_smile:

It’s global warming in disguise.

Damn you, o-zone…

The world will be ending sometime withing the next few years. Me an’ my cult have been doing a lot of praying to the Potato Gods, and they have informed us that an asteroid the size of Idaho is heading this way. You’d betta run!

…but you can be saved if you join our cult! Just send me $100 dollars and you’re in!

Mmm. Potato.


It’s a good thing that those missiles can somehow contain all the radiation from the nukes, so it doesn’t spread into the atmosphere.

There are much more, much easier ways to kill then using nukes.

Yes, and we are stating our belief that we don’t like your evangelising about everything. Don’t reply if you don’t like it.
Why are we wrong for disliking it when you preach, but you’re not wrong when you dislike us saying our contradicting beliefs? If you’re allowed to say something, I’m allowed to refute it.

do we get free fries?


Yes, and we are stating our belief that we don’t like your evangelising about everything. Don’t reply if you don’t like it.
Why are we wrong for disliking it when you preach, but you’re not wrong when you dislike us saying our contradicting beliefs? If you’re allowed to say something, I’m allowed to refute it.


Yes you are. I just “evangelise” about everything cause it is everything to me. Its all good. I didn’t mean to get into a arguement. I respect whatever you believe. Have a nice day :). KH.

In 2069, the almighty RamenGod will bless us with a showering of noodles, where we will be taken to his styrofoam castle in the sky where we will eat bacon and spaghetti-o’s for breakfast and all the people who eat shrimp flavored ramen will boil in picante beef noodle juice in the center of the earth.

I know because this really really old ramen wrapper I found in a crackhead hobos mouth told me so. It must be true since there is no eveidence to back it up other than the wrapper, right?

There are no interesting people in heaven.

I’m going where the temperature is nicest and the people are most interesting.

But then there’s always the “you’d go mad if you followed the bible word-for-word, but you’d have to be mad to follow the bible word-for-word.” And so, I digress; I do not follow or believe in the bible for a multitude of reasons, but here is not the place to discuss the matter …though I haven’t had good rant in a while…

There are no interesting people in heaven.


On the contrary my friend…

Mel Gibson
Tom Hanks

Chuck Norris

Jeff Foxworthy
Vince Carter
MC Hammer

Thats just to name a few.


I can’t picture him with a halo wings. He hates flying.

Lets put it this way; if there’s a WWIII, there isn’t going to be a WWIIII. If ya’ catch my drift/pick up what i’m layin’ down/smell what i’m steppin’ in. you get the picture

You can spend your eternity with MC Hammer and Jeff Foxworthy. and I’ll spend mine with Bjork and Angelina Jolie.


…back on subject.

How much time we have depends on if the leaders of the world are willing to turn this ship around or not. At any rate, I expect the world to end sometime after I do. …then again, the way things have been going in the middle east and korea, I’m not so sure.

Jolie is an atheist? Damn, screw heaven.