on earth, im guessing 40-100 years until the human race is wiped off this earth.
do to polution or wars or overpopulation or something elsse
The inability to write and communicate clearly may be a contributing factor too.
I plan to be alive in 40 years, so the Earth will definitely still be here.
I doubt that we will kill all of us, via pollution and war. Overpopulation self-corrects itself, but nonetheless, we continue to advance our technologies and that most likely will not be a problem. The true limit on population is the average energy humans need to survive over the total stored energy available on the earth and the energy provided by the sun. With that energy, we can theoretically produce everything we need to survive.
weapons are so advanced and are getting more powerfull, all it takes is one nut-job to get hold of them
I though George Bush did have a hold of them?
Few hours, at best. Enough time for me to get another level on my Necromancer in Diablo II and enhance my Skeleton Mastery.
Thank goodness our young people - our future - have their priorities straight.
If you mean that my Necro is my highest priority, goodness no! I have to finish this delicious turkey sammich first.
Only the Lord knows, but that day that it happens will be awesome. The followers of Jesus will be taken up with the Lord to live with him forever.
My 2 cents.
Oh no, I revise my responce and claim that we are all doomed. Thanks for making it clear.
Whatever you say Gilby…
Ahhh. Cold War nostalgia. Those where the days
It’s still hard to get a hold of enough of those weapons to wipe out a single city (don’t ask me how I know this). Getting enough destructive power for the entire planet is a very ambitious goal. Especially for a nut-job.
I plan on living past a hundred.
Nut-job… pres of the US… need I say more?
Good thing politics can sometimes get in the way.
Patton instead of Eisenhower? Interesting thought.
If I entered those launch codes correctly I’d say you have about four minutes startinnnnnnng…NOW!
Duck and cover!
I believe that stupidity / ignorance / call-it-what-you-will is the single most powerful force on this planet. With the advances in modern technology, Darwin has become thwarted from dealing with all but the most stupid. It will take much longer than a century, but when the planet reaches critical stupidity, I believe the human race will self-destruct.
I’m just curious, does Jeebus have a space-ship everyone will ride up to “the Lord’s house”? Or is the ride metaphorical, and you guys will have a big kool-aid party when the time comes?
hmm, the nuclear missles will be shot up, shot down (exploded in midair by other missles) and the world will be saved, so that said the earth will last for a long time, you never know we might end up like the jetsons (LOL)
but seriously, its all up to God so i guess we will have to wait and see what he blesses us with and how soon we are blessed with it … earth is just a place for humans to be slightly entertained before being truly at peace or suffering forever
Very nice way to put it.