think of the result of Bush being impeached…who’s next inline…you sure you want him in office as the leader…I know I don’t.
I think we should just replace him with the BIGGEST Bush Critic there is, and then see what he/she can do on the job! It’s kinda like when you see a comedian on tv and you say, “geesh, I’m funnier than that!” Oh really? Ok, YOU get up onstage and make the audience laugh for 15 minutes straight! Go ahead, we’re all waiting! But then again, when it comes to Illegal Immigration, there’s no real difference between the parties!
Good book
Scary though…even scarier that some of the stuff rings true
It wasn’t less than flimsy evidence…it was just plain lack of evidence…speculation at best
funny how its mostly our older riders posting here
He should be impeached, but he won’t be, unfortunately…
My thoughts exactly. I’m just suprised no one has mentioned the fact that he broke our laws with the wiretaps.
He broke our laws with the wiretaps, so he should be impeached.
And why is the fact that the older, wiser, and more experienced riders are posting funnny?
this is why I want to move to Canada…
By criticising the president we aren’t saying that we personally could do a better job, but we do know of a lot of people who could. Someone who actually reads his daily briefings would be a good start.
This is why Canada wants you so badly.
Imagine there’s no countries,
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
I would love to see Bush get impeached just as much as any one else who is posting on the fora, but I have to agree with most of them. The actual chance of getting Bush onto the stand is slim to none without some serious evidence.
The one thing I worry about is how long are we going to be dealing with the effects of what he is doing to the country, and for that matter, to the rest of the world!
This state thing is interesting and will probably go nowhere, but according to Sec 603 of the Rules of the United States House of Representatives:
In the <<NOTE: Sec. 603. Inception of impeachment proceedings in the
House.>> House there are various methods of setting an impeachment in
motion: by charges made on the floor on the responsibility of a Member
or Delegate (II, 1303; III, 2342, 2400, 2469; VI, 525, 526, 528, 535,
536); by charges preferred by a memorial, which is usually referred to a
committee for examination (III, 2364, 2491, 2494, 2496, 2499, 2515; VI,
543); by a resolution dropped in the hopper by a Member and referred to
a committee (Apr. 15, 1970, p. 11941; Oct. 23, 1973, p. 34873); by a
message from the President (III, 2294, 2319; VI, 498); by charges
transmitted from the legislature of a State (III, 2469) or territory
(III, 2487) or from a grand jury (III, 2488); or from facts developed
and reported
I’m surprised Bud LittleBud didn’t write in this thread yet
When one use potent spells one should be aware of unintended consequences (wizard’s wisdom).
Though impeachment may be a device for very grave circumstances it should not be used lavishly as a political trick be it against Clinton or Bush.
One pillar of democracy is that once you’ve elected someone you ought to give him/her some time… that’s where “instant democracy” might not be such a good idea.
Though I do not approve of Dubya I think the rules of proper democratic behavior should be reasserted. Other blocking strategies should be used to stop crazy things happening…
(this said I am not a US citizen so…)
So like six years or so? His time is almost up (thank God).
That was for your own personal security.
It could EASILY be worse; MUCH, MUCH WORSE! Can you say, John “Flip-flop” Kerry? The “grass is greener” syndrome is alive and well! (I realize this is simply a “hate Bush” thread, but I couldn’t resist.) Ok, you can all continue your Bush-bashing. If you vote your side in, in '08, it’ll be the other party’s turn, because you would NEVER bash your own side, right? IF alot of the libs had there way in the past, we’d all be speaking German today! Oh, and what would happen if, say, Cananda was attacked and overwhelmed by islamic fanatics on a large scale? WHo would they turn to for help? Mexico? France? China? Russia? Think again!