Place your bets people. Just a quick glance at his record…
He’s invaded a sovereign nation without backing from the UN on the basis of flimsy evidence.
Two senior figures of his administration are under investigation for being downright dodgy.
Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib and now the allegations of secret CIA detention centres on foreign soil.
No bid contracts to his buddies to rebuild Iraq and now New Orleans.
Refusal to acknowledge climate change as a threat. 9 States are now introducing their own emissions laws as the federal government seems to think short term economic growth is more important than the future of life on Earth.
What more does it take? Clinton had impeachment proceedings brought against him for getting a blowjob…A private matter between him and his missus yet Bush is still in office…The world is topsy turvy!
And in the UK Blunkett is out again for the second time in 11 months for breaking the ministerial code…Does invading a country against the will of his own country an lying to his people not constitute a breach of ministerial code?
Keep your eyes on Azerbaijan. The UK and the US both have big oil and gas interests there. It’s their general election today, the guy currently in power is not a nice chappy, the chance of free and fair elections are pretty slim. The father of the leader of the main opposition party is currently under arrest for “plotting to overthrow the government”. It’ll be a good indicator of just how interested in “spreading democracy” the UK and US are. Let’s see what wins out…Call me a cynic but my money’s on them maintaining their economic interests in the country.
And a couple of bottles of rootbeer for washing the blood off the floor of the interrogation room?
Forget about impeaching him.
Find a memo he signed OK’ing the use of torture and try him for crimes against humanity in The Hague.
Him in the dock next to Milosovic, now there’s a pretty picture.
This is rather priceless, if scary considering they do this kind of thing in broad daylight and your press doesn’t start dancing on their political graves right away.
I read an article (Can’t remember if it was USA Today from my hotel or the NewYork Times from my flight neighbor) on Thursday on my way back from Miami that said that very thing.
If I remember correctly, and my memory is admittedly quite foggy, Anklepants Bill was impeached for committing perjury before a grand jury.
Addressing the question of “what more does it take,” I would suggest solid evidence of a convictable felony offense. Speculation does not bring down an administration. Rabid hatred doesn’t even do it.
Perjury charges over terminology and grapevine heresay are historically difficult to prove. This has bearing on more current events - I doubt Libby will be convicted.
Bush won’t be impeached either. Simply stated, he’s not a liar.
I agree. As much as i would like to see it happen it would never happen. He has complete majority, he is so close to becoming a dictator in our ‘democracy’
Yup, without solid evidence, as mentioned by Harper, nothing’s going to happen. And at the rate things have been going, that solid evidence will have a hell of a time making it anywhere with Bush’s strong administration and powerful ($$$) backers.
Money doesn’t just talk, it can silence others too.
let’s hope it’s soon !!! my guess is 1.5 years sadly!
“We look forward to hearing your vision, so we can more better do our job. That’s what I’m telling you.” —George W. Bush, Gulfport, Miss., Sept. 20, 2005
Notwithstanding its structural awkwardness and redundancy, I do not believe there is anything ungrammatical in this quote. “better” serves as an adverb that modifies “do our job” and “more” serves as an adverb that modifies “better”.
What I think the President failed to realize is that “better do our jobs” states the same thing more simply and effectively. Of course, more better would have been just “do our job better”.
Dream on about The Hague. Ever since Bush got elected, he’s been arm-twisting small dependent nations and blocking any possibility of being tried in a World Court. He wants to be able to travel freely without getting arrested like Pinochet got arrested.
Unfortunately incompetence is not a crime. He does need to be fired though. Does the federal government have a recal clause like the State of California does for it’s governor?