I have a deed to a square inch of kodiak land from a cereal box.
with the 56 acreas of flat land ive got im gonna build a massive trials course. all i need it about 1000 pallets, 500 skinnies and a lot of northshore structures to go over a dam we made.
we have one and a quarter acres… i got a friend billy he’s a sheep farmer he has 2500 acres and alot of sheep he doesnt know how many though coz when hetries to count them he falls asleep
hahaha, that is funny because it is so lame:D
i own my room
an acre in montana is normal… most lots that arent in the towns are owned by farmers… so we’re talking thousands of acres, and the areas directly around the towns they are divided into 5,10,20,50 acre plots depending on which farmer decided to make millions by selling his land and retireing… its mostly big chunks of land here… forrest doesnt really have that much… .and I live near a town, so an acre is normal
My girlfriend and I own a little over an acre just 10 minutes outside lovely Saratoga Springs, which is an enviable place to live during August (track season.)
my parents have just under 2 acres and a farm with 40 acres.
Yeah we don’t have all that much, and it hardly has any trees, which sucks because this is MONTANA. Were we used to live between Kalispell and Thompson falls our whole yard was thickly wooded. It was cool.
My parents own 10 acres of land.
I have 3/4 of an acre with my house, which used to be average, but lately its about 5 times the average lot size. I also have property with my parents in North Georgia in a Valley that is just over 16 acres.
I don’t want a lot of property, just everything that attaches to mine.
We have the 0.2 acres which came with our house. Now we’re fighting the hogweed, nettles, thistles, ground elder etc. for de facto control of it.
For anything,
Hunting is a big one for me. I can use my own land and hunt all i want anytime.
DirtBike/FourWheel riding
What ever
I own all of Jupiter’s moons.
Is there a joke to get with that, or is it jsut a ‘stupid’ face?
It’s just a “durrr” face.
Although one could argue that that is Keanu Reeves’ default expression.