Ok so I have tought 16 people in my school to the ability that they can free mount and ride and some of them a bit more, but how many unicyclers are there in your school, is there a school anywhere where like every one can ride one badly?
me and one other guy that i taught.
me =1
2 more i dotn no names of =5
about 5 maby 4
Counting me there are 6 that own and ride unicycles that I know of, there are also two more that can free mount and go about 4-5 revs. Both of which learned instantly and one of whom learned by jump mounting a 24" with a seat post that was too high for him.
I’m pretty much the only one who does it anymore ) : but about fifteen people here know how to ride.
2, Im one and the other doesn’t ride no more. HA.
I’ve seen one other guy riding around campus on a unicycle, so that makes at least two of us. But since the university I attend has around 10,000 students, there’s probably more.
im teaching about 5 ppl right now, one of my techers can still ride, my friend daniel can ride, and me.
So 3 can ride, and i got some in the process.
At my old highschool, Mike can ride, and hes gotten like 4 ppl there that i know of, so all together there is about 8ish =p
im in a class of my own im the only one wh0 can do it:)… but it sucks…i have kno one to ride with:(
2 me and another but he ususally bieks doesnt really uni much
im the only one
me and this kid i taught but he dousnt have a uni of his own and his parents wont let him borrow mine any more…so he will have 2 wait till he gets enough cash
Off the top of my head, I’ve come across about ten out of 38,000 students.
Me and a guy who dosent do it annymore hes in my form so i still talk to him about unicycling and the amasing skillz i see in this forum
i am the only guy in my entire country and around my country ( Croatia, Europe 20000000 ppl )that can do some freestyle street trials on uni
not counting jugglers
At my school?
I would guess 2…Hundred
a girl that i don’t really know because i tryied to talk about unicycles top her and she walked away=2
one friend(can’t even freemount)=3
another friend like the last one=4
i think i have tought one or two more but i don’t know
One, thats me and I am a teacher.
2: me and a friend of my (uni-freakje on this forums)
Well theres me and two friends plus a few kids in the year below i think so maybe 6 or 7?