How many threads do you create?

In the Vote!!! thread, in order to emphasize how strongly he feels about the importance of his new thread, John Foss said,“You guys know how infrequently I actually create new threads. I thought this one was worth talking about.”

Curious, I actually took a look. And then I looked at how many threads I myself have created. The answer on both accounts… surprisingly few.

Number of threads created by John –

2008 - 3 (including today’s)
2007 - 6
2006 - 7
2005 - 13
2004 - 12
2003 - 22
2002 - 3

Number of threads created by me (note the unexpected similarities, such as the peak in 2003 and the mere handfuls in each of the last three years) –

2008 - 4
2007 - 7
2006 - 3
2005 - 7
2004 - 0
2003 - 16
2002 - 6

To count the number of threads started by someone, view his or her profile, click on Statistics, and then click on “Find all threads started by xxx”. The date of the most recent post shows. You can use that as the year the thread was created, which is more or less what I did. It’s fast although not perfectly accurate, but only a few threads live for years.

How many threads do you actually create? Are you surprised at how few or how many? Are those who are notorious for creating a lot of “useless threads” actually guilty of creating that many? I’m counting on everyone here to make this thread interesting somehow. Post your comments. Post your stats – or someone else’s.

Oh, God. I won’t name names, but one of our prolific posters whose controversial threads are always on page one has created 88 threads this year alone. He has created a veritable MOUNTAIN of threads – 329 total. I don’t have the time to do a per-year breakdown.

I’ve made 12! I didn’t think it was that many :astonished:

I’m always surprised whenever I look at what threads I’ve made how recent some of them are. Threads seem to die pretty fast around here.

58, that’s more than I thought…

Threads don’t die, they just increase the page count. And make searching more work.

Apologies on my number of new threads. In years when I’ve hosted MUni Weekend I’ve had to create more than I would like…

  1. Ill try harder now.

5 threads in 2007 and 13 threads in 2008.


Looking at some of these old posts, I must admit that I am ashamed.:o

In particular there is a poorly-thought out newbie rant about idiotic comments.

Though in my defense, these kids were really something :stuck_out_tongue:

Oi! John! I make fewer threads than you do!

A mountain full of BILLY goats?

ssssssh, we aren’t naming names

As for me I have 33. It has been a steady trickle pretty much evenly spread out. Just over one a month.

What can I say, someone needs to start conversations.

I only create important threads, like this one, that get lots of really good responses. This may be the only thread I ever started.

About 2-3 a month. I’ve created 24 total.

I’ve made 25 in total. :smiley:

Hawo Alex.

2008 - 5
2007 - 7
2006 - 9
2005 - 11
2004 - 6

Would’ve been cool if I posted 13 threads in 2004, but I didn’t join until later in the year. Following this trend, I’ll have deleted my first thread in 2011. Cool!

Billy’s mountain is nothing compared to a notorious posting Addict… he’s created 200 threads this year alone. Perhaps we need to find him a 12-step program?

5, 7, 9, 11 …

I always thought you were a bit odd.

Nah, Terry is fine.

Ouch 36 this year alone,

30 in 2007
56 in 2006
16 in 2005 but that was starting at the end of august.

I feel dirty now. Can’t really save this year but hopefully I will get better next year.

16 this year
27 in 07
17 in 06

Creating many threads is not necessarily a bad thing. For example, I enjoy every one of Billy’s threads, whether I respond in them or not (or even read them at all). Just seeing a bunch of them on page one gives me a warm feeling inside. It’s like… aaaaaahhh, I’m home. This is where I should be.

Billy’s mountain is nothing compared to a notorious posting Addict…
Billy’s mountain is nothing compared to a notorious posting Addict…

I’ll second that!

And Dave, Thanks for the kind words (and look at your PMs)
