I just wana know how often seatposts break! I’ve been riding a year and have broken 3! anybody beat that? not to mention they were all aparrently ‘Reinforced’! ha ha
I’ve broken one so far. I broke it right after I decided not to do a 1.5 metre gap between two picnic tables, because of the low hanging branches. I’m glad I decided not to, because I wouldn’t want it to break on that gap.
When the seatpost that I have now breaks, I’m gettin a Thomson. It may be expensive, but I believe it’s worth it.
I bent a steel 22.2, that’s all.
what are you using them for?
And you’ll get more hits on this in Rec.Sport…
i’ve broken one.
i think it was because of crankflips…
I have bent two Sun seatpost wehere they were none useable and have broken about 4 or 5 KH Aluminum post. I have such bad luck.
1, When i had my LX i broke/snapped the seatpost doing running jump stairsets.
Just one after 7 months
I have a steel 25.4 seatpost. Its gonna be tough breaking that… lol
2 kh aluminum posts.
2 in the last 2 and a half months, only the KH rail type before that. It seems the stiffness of my carbon seatbase makes the seatpost break more easily.
1 standart quax seatpost i
I have a steel one and it hassent broken. i don’t realy push the uni that much yet.
edit: are rail ones stronger or weaker than stud ones?
I bend 3 CrMo seatposts.
Peter M
None yet. I have a feeling it will take a lot of riding to break my steel 25.4, but ya never know!
I have broken a 22.2 steel one. whick i properly reinfored and welded back together. I have bent a 22.2 steel but i reinforced it before it could break. and i have broken a 25.4. which like the rest i fixed.
all GB4’s. but i haven’t riden with anything else long or hard enough to break it.
actually i haven’t broken any. the 22.2 i gave my uni to a friend to ride and he sat down and the post broke. the 25.4 i loaned to a friend while i fixed his (a couple days) and he broke it. not doing anything to hard though.
only 1, my KH aluminum “traditional” seat post. I got it rewelded, and another piece of aluminum going from the brake post to the 4 bolts. It’s really strong now, and still light.
none. No surprise, but I just got an aluminum post, so I have a better chance.
I’ve never broken three in a year, but probably two back in my heavy riding days. I know I’ve killed a lot more than three of them though. Mostly the Miyata ones, which have been improved several times since then. I also bent the seatpost that came with my Wilder MUni, and once I bent the seatpost on my Schwinn Giraffe from learning one-footed running mounts on it. That puts a lot of strain on the frame & post, I guess…