i home school! i use to ride my uni 7 hours a day!!! till i broke my leg:(
Im homeschooled.haha!its great.Im done in the morning and i get to do whatever(uni)all the rest of the day.I can also take vaction time whenever my mom and dad will let me.Like,im taking 3 days off for moab.
Jarcycle and brando on this site are homeschooled,too.
ya, execpt you don’t have any friends
How would you know?
and, being steriotypical , most homescholled kids are weird.
But what i want to know is WHY are you homeschooled?
cough its schoolers who get out of school and dont know what to do with them selfs.
Yeah,ill give you that one.most homeshooled kids are weird.downright dorky,really.My best freind is homeschooled,but he used to be public schooled until this year.anyway,for instince,we get to go skiing with other homeschoolers at a group discount,and their all dorks.nerdy.Geeks.(except us).
Why we homeschool,for one,we dont have to sit in school for 6 hours a day,(or whatever it is,)and we learn the same stuff faster.and you can work at your own pace,learning what you need to learn,not what they decide to teach you.Like,Im ahead of myself.or somthing.
and,its cheaper.
Not only that,for me anyway,i live sorta in the country,school is 15 miles away.(but,everything else is too).
I have freinds in public school,i just dont get to see them as much.
So do the educational authorities want to know how you are being educated and check standards or anything? Or are you left to your own devices?
Do you plan to take state exams (those set and recognised around the States) or have other plans for the future.
I ask as I am a teacher and dad who is very interested in homeschooling and schools such as AS Neill’s Summerhill in the UK.
The huge drawback in the UK education system at the moment is the straightjacket of the National Curriculum that tries to force all the round peg kids into square holes.
puts soap box away
actually, i nonschool. in nonschooling you learn the skills needed in life by doing them when you need them and in the real world not in a classroom.
also i havnt run into many weird homeschoolers/nonschoolers, most of what i see is schoolers doing drugs and getting wasted all the time wich to me is really sad, also most of them are dumb founded by what designs and shit me and my friend make.
(i just know this is going to turn into a flame war)
my goal is to take this test(i forgot the name) but you can end high school at 16 and you dont need to do SATs for collage.
Why are you sad, getting wasted and doing drugs is one of the most important life skills one can have!
Just kidding…
in the educational system, one stops learning “skills needed in life” by the time one gets into middle school (age 10, 11). after that, one is supplied with a well-rounded, generalized knowledge. the popularity of a liberal-arts education is the cause of this. even though i doubt that i will use math or science in the career i choose, i have benefited greatly by the foundation in those subjects. school attempts to implant into children’s minds a yearning for knowledge and the foundation necessary to study on one’s own.
some people learn better under the current school system, some under specialized school systems, and some under homeschooling (or nonschooling). i greatly appreciate my primary schooling and think that it was probably the best method for me to learn. i doubt that more than one or two people on this forum are qualified to actually make noteworthy comments on this subject, and i cant see this thread going anywhere.
I think one of the most important things you need to know in the ‘real world’ is how to interact with other people. and being homeschooled, one generally doesn’t get that much experience socializing.
that’s the only thing /I/ get out of school, anyhoo.
Couldn’t have said it more beautifully myself…
Same here, homeschool kids 90% of the time are weird… just take total uni for example, total weirdo lame is more like it.
Seriously, all kids should got to real school until highschool at least, and even through high-school, just to learn to be less weird and less a pain in the nut’s… I know alotof people, myself included, that do some classes online, one of my best friends only takes 2 classes at school and the rest online.
'nuff said.
I took the SAT’s in ninth grade, just for kicks, and scored high enough to get into college. when I take it f’reel, I’ll probably get like sooper dooper scores…
so, yeah.
I took the PSAT’s last year, and did better than most of the juniors and sophomores I knew. I took it again this year, and the same result. Too bad if I do go to college(if I can’t get into a good dance company within a year or so) I will be going into for dance, and last time I checked(like a month ago) 100% of the colleges I would even think to applying to don’t ask for SAT scores to be accepted for dance, let alone a GPA. I do well at school just to keep my parents happy and so I can do stuff. Not so some college says “Hey look! A kid with a 4.0! Let’s smother him with bacon.” Like that would ever happen… and not that I have a 4.0.
Man, I am really blabbing on here.
Evan, go to real school. I think it will do you worlds of good and give you some of the social skills you obviously need .
I am home schooled.
I was homeschooled till like 8th grade. Ya, I was/am weird, but is it right to be calling people weird on a UNICYCLE forum? as for socializing- if there were more ppl who homeschooled, the socializing problem would be eliminated. also, school presents quite a few odd social enironments, what with ppl being more or less segregated by grade until high school (then less so, but it’s still there.) As an unschooled kid living in a university faculty/student housing(my dad was getting his phd.), I at age maybe 8, was a leader of what could be called a gang of people up to age maybe 13 or so. social problems? I almost never socialize, let alone lead, people who are 5 years older than me (which would be 21). there’s a differance now that I’m older, but you get my point.
As for education- I did unschooling. there was nothing really actively taught anything, but I played all day, made huge sand thingies at the park in our apartment complex (which was the coolest place in the world.), played legos a bunch, and read. When I went to school in 5th grade, I was smarter than the curriculum, decided it was dumb, and left. I’m a elementary school dropout . I went back to school in eigth grade, becuase living in a small town I didn’t get as much opportunity to socialize as in the apartment complex, so I needed people. That worked out grandly, and without ever memorizing the multiplication tables, or anything in math, I am not in some crazy senior math classes. I’m not as good at school as most of the 4.0 gpa ppl, but I in my weird mind think I understand more than them.
there’s MY life story. jeez, that was long. ah well.
Link to apartment complex because I just found it and it’s cool-
there’s a link to a map at the top sortof. if anyone cares.