How many people have turned there head to look at you unicycling

i was just bored and wanted to make a good post

how many people have turned their heads and/or have ask you to let them try your unicycle

for me its 1 time a lady asked if i could ride it yet
1 time a old man was walking and ask if he could ride it and was joking
1 time 3 teens were looking then asked me if they could ride it but unfortunatly they all fell and could never get up
1 time a friend tried and also could never get up

         very funny i got up on the uni in my first day of my first uni and all of these ones couldnt lol

                so i have 4 all in total tell me yours

Hundreds of people a day turn their head at me, considering I live/ride on a college campus.

The first day I tried to uni me and 3 other friends were sharing 2 old junker 16"ers that we found at this big rummage sale and suddenly this girl who was hanging out around the same area asked if she could try and she freemounted and rode like 5 feet on her first try - all of us were like :open_mouth:

9,768 people have turned their head to look at me while unicycling in the 6 years that I’ve been riding.

Ride a unicycle

Noob. I’ve managed to get 9,854 turned heads in my ~3 years riding.

lol i also had a few more

well since my mom owned a nail salon while i was trying to practice it in my mom
nail shop holding the pull and push doors to practice some people looked at me as well but the only ones i know was 4

oh and i only started unicycling around a few weeks ago

Too many. I’m amazed at how amazed they all are.

Me too. It’s funny how many people cringe and jump to the far side of the path/sidewalk as if I’m going to crash into them or something.

In reality, I’m more maneuverable then most of the bikes going around campus. I usually ride a fast 24" with a slick tire and short cranks, it’s pretty fast to just zip around and weave through crowds of people where bikes can’t safely go.
Probably a little more rudely then I should, but… :stuck_out_tongue:

oh boy…

same here, people always ask me"Dude can i try it?" or “Whoa! Thats awesome!” and occasionally “Holy ****!!! how can u stay on?!” its fun to watch people try to ride my uni. i actually met riley wiklund that way(i am dead serious)!

uhm who is riley wiklund

I worked the Isle Of Wight Festival this year on unicycle, I had loads of people ask if they could have a go. The best has to be a the paramedic who asked if he could have a go. I just said go on then, and to that, he got on my unicycle and rode around all with all his gear on, which I found funny as hell.

mytran, it’s an interesting idea for a thread, but for most of us, there’s no way we can answer. Chances are, if you ride anywhere near people, you’ll get more head turns than can be counted. Such is life on a unicycle. You should check out this thread. It’s sort of like yours, but is more specific to funny non-rider encounters.

One time i was riding through a park and about 10-15 guy that were playing basketball came over and had a try on my uni they also could never get up and after 5 or 6 min of them asking based on the painful three second attempt to ride if i would ever be able to have kids i went by a playground and was chased by a bunch of kids.

I ride most days with the feeling that someone is watching me. I usually only need to turn my head slightly to the left or right to see someone looking at me. Which is really annoying and unless I’m listening to music, it puts me off and makes me not wanna ride.

I get people to turn their heads all the time but unfortunately it’s away from me…

I had some girl call me sexy this morning…and I’m starting to get recognized as “unicycle guy.”


A lot.

Every person I see turns his or her head, and one member of nearly every group of under-30 males asks to try.