How many of you learned uni through clowning?

I wanted to be a clown when I was in HS, so I picked up juggling and uni because of that.
I still regret not persuing that career, but oh well. Maybe one day.

How many of the rest of you got into uni through clown-related things?

I could juggled fairly often and pretty good before uni, and I think its some how indirectly related. I didn’t say “I juggle, I’ll uni.” I just decided I wanted to and I did.


I got into unicycling after seven years of juggling. I still juggle a lot, and actually just recently got the hang of three club backcrosses, something I have been working on occaisonally since 1998. I really don’t think juggling=clowning. Juggling is actually more of an extreme sport like unicycling and there are many serious jugglers out there, probably a lot more than there are unicyclists.

I agree. I didn’t mean to say juggling was like clowing…just that in High School, I wanted to be a clown, so I taught myself to juggle and unicycle because I didn’t know whatelse to do to become a clown.

Actually though, I am somewhat of a clown on occaision, and have even earned a few dollars doing a juggling and unicycling in “clown” style. :roll_eyes: I still don’t care for the clown stereotype though.

Re: How many of you learned uni through clowning?

Get out.

this opens a very interesting question
did u see a lot of clowns juggling and unicycling or did u simply base your choice of ‘clowny’ activities on what u thought clowns did?

ahhh… clowns. hehe.

Re: Re: How many of you learned uni through clowning?

Hells yeah.
I hate it when people link unicyclists and clowns. Ohh… and I can unicycle and juggle at the same time, but never in public to avoid the evil “c” word.

I dunno.
I guy I knew was in Ringling Bro who unied and juggled…so I figured that’s what I should do, too.