How many hours you guys practice?

How many hours you guys practice per day!? This is the question

I practice life for about 24 hours a day.

Same, but I take off weekends.

life is not a dress rehearsal, babe, this is the real thing!

Dang! Do I really have to wear all the make up this time?

Like, what do you mean by practice? Practice unicycling, or something else? Well, I practice unicycling like 1 hr. everyday, and piano about 1 hr everyday, and Call of duty 4 about 5 hrs a day!

Since this is JC, it must be practicing something other than unicycling.

Oh, ok well then, I filled it all.

Hardly ever…I just show up for the games :sunglasses:

maybe one hour a month. I’m not aggressively trying to learn new tricks at this time.

I mean practice unicycle

you mean practice unicycle,

but do you really mean practice unicycle?


You all know what he means, stop being anoying and answer the question.

I dont realy have a clue how long I ride for each day, it never feels that long but it always ends up being ages. At least an hour a day, sometimes (like today) I ride pretty much all day.

I practice patience for about 23 hours a day. The other hour, I’m like a rabid dog, foaming at the mouth, barking whenever a leaf blows by or a shadow moves, snapping at my chain. Wow, patience is tough! How do you guys do it?

Then perhaps you should’ve posted your thread in Rec.Sport.Unicycling. That’s the unicycling forum. This isn’t.

I probably ride my uni for about 7ish hours a week. A bit of uni hockey and the rest of the time at skateparks.

I “practice” at least three times a day… oh… you meant unicycling, oops :D! I haven’t been able to practice in like 2 weeks because of an almost non stop amount of coursework I seem to be getting at the moment :frowning: but I only have 1 and a half days left of school then its 6 weeks of uni-time! I can’t wait to get some new tricks into my list!

the ! show how exited I am :smiley:

He just needs more practice.

unfortunately not enough:(

is all your riding time “practice”?

I just ride 5 miles on my Coker daily, and go around the block several times with sif. while i am practicing sif, i can’t call the daily ride practice.

I’ve been averaging over 20 hours a week.