Over a beer this evening, a friend of mine commented how odd it was that in my family we have a unicycle (mine) and a spinning wheel (my daughter’s). So, I’m wondering how many others out there have a spinning wheel and a unicycle in the same family.
Now by spinning wheel I don’t mean a trick, I mean one of these
Okay, I’ll count that. We have at least two in the world. Heck, we have two between Indiana and New Jersey. Extrapolate that density to the rest of the world and there must be thousands!
They are not used much anymore but my mom has a few spinning wheels. She used to get raw wool from a sheep farmer and then die it, spin it, and knit it into sweaters to sell at SK handmade house.
That was back when I was living at home and before I discovered that I can ride with one less wheel.
My wife has one (built by her father). She has used it regularly but now it’s collecting dust in the attic. My wife is the only one in the family who doesn’t ride unicycles. So I’m not sure if it counts for having both (although as a family we definitely do).
Absolutely that counts. The criteria was clearly “families that have both a unicycle and a spinning wheel”, nothing about actively using both.
I’m being given a hard time about counting Saskatchewanian, just because the unicycle usage did not overlap with living in the actual same house as the mom/spinner. Mom is family for life, right?