How long did it take you?

im just wondering how long it took you to be able to like ride down the street for the first time :smiley:

For me, probably a week…

I started to learn at my church, they parking lot is a very bumpy and slopped gavel parking lot, and in fron of the church is like a 5 by 10 area of concrete, so I started on the concrete and went right into the gravel, on the 3rd day i was able to get most of the way down in the parking lot, on the 5th-ish day i was able to ride about a block or two on cement =p

20 mins to be able to ride down street…

Hmm, i wonder if it would of helped if oi was able to practice more than about 5-mins a day, or if i even had my own uni i could use at any time i wanted to…

So sparrow, how long did it take you to learn? or are you still in the process of learning?

OHH well im actually waiting for my first uni to arrive, CANT WAIT!!!:smiley: at least i know a few people who can ride which will help (if i need it;) )

Awesome =p and getting some friends to help you will be great for learning.

You should make a video documentering(sp?) from the day you get the uni, to the day you can ride your first block =p

thats cool! il try and do that…i have a camera’n stuff but i cant get it onto the comp cuz me bruv messed up the chip for it BUT i have a cousin who is a professional cameraman for tv and il talk to him bout it on the weekend:D

it took me about a month to learn to ride about 6or 7 blocks without dismounting.

Just over a month of practicing about 1/2 hour nearly every day.


It took me around two hours to pick it up. I started learning on grass and then moved to rock.

It took me about 2 weeks, but that includes me using a unicycle that was too big for me for a week, and then perfecting the technique with a smaller (easier) uni the next week. :slight_smile:

I remember it clearly… Just me and my unicycle, flombering around, trying not to fall. It would have helped to have someone to give me some kind of instruction.

It actually took me about 2 hours with no breaks in between before I could ride 17 rotations.

I got you beat! I learned right out of the womb, and did my first unispin at 2 weeks The only reason it tokkme that long is because I couldn’t get out of my crib!:smiley: old!

About 2-3 weeks, I don’t rightly remember…that’s with 1-2 hours of practice every day.

I started on an old 24" that I got at a garage sale. I pushed the furniture out of the way in my apartment and tried to get from one wall to the other. It took me about a week and a half or two weeks to be able to cross the room consistently. I wasn’t in the club then, didn’t have anyone helping me, didn’t know what I was doing, my seat was too low, etc. So, it probably took me longer to learn than it would have under ideal conditions.


ditto me to dudwithasock’s comment

My case is sorta weird.

I kinda learned how to ride a couple of years ago, then got back into unicycling in January from this camp (the same reason as my bro learned, who, in turn i learned from him) then I got a Nimbus 20 a while ago, and I could just…ride.

2 Tays

Approximately 3 weeks practicing about 1/2 hour everyday! :sunglasses: