i love this set up and i think it would be graet for street and trials. Tell me what you think. here it is.i have what the part is,cost, and where i would get it from or got it from.
-stock torker lx-$110-from lbs-already on
-qu-ax hub and crank set-$125-from udc
-primo tenderizer pedals-$23-udc
-kommando grind plate-$9.99-danscomp
-kenda kontact 20" x 2.25"-came with lx-bike shop-already own or mongoose 20" x 2.35"-came with my bmx bike-already own or maxxis maxx daddy 20" x 2.25"-$12-danscomp
-14 gauge spokes-$7.99-danscomp
i have a torker lx air seat for it, i would use my lx seat post clamp, my lx rim, and lx seat post.
tell me how it is and give me some suggestions on it. i am also sorry if you can’t understand everything on there.
i might go with platsic pedals instead of the primos. I have the Primos and they work great but I ride trials, not street. i do a little freestyle on them (i only have one uni) and they work but they are a little too grippy. if you plan on grinding i would get plastics because grind plates tend to land up for tricks.
i am going to order me a new frame first off and it is going to be a nimbus ll. after i get good I will probably upgrade it to a kris holm or something. i think I will go a head and get a new rim to. that great because i could buy me a seat and seat post and then i would have to unicycles. i would have a torker lx with a different seat and a freestyle/street/trials uni with the lx (air) seat and seat post
Trust me, you wont be needing to upgrade to a KH frame from a Nimbus II frame. Unless your a weight weenie, the Nimbus II frame weighs 2 pounds, the KH, I dont know. But it doesnt matter.
I might just have to save up some more money for that but first i have a few questions about it.
1.what is the biggest tire it can fit
2.where can i get it at besides danscomp
3.how much can it hold up to
ok i have a few more questions.
1.would a kris holm hub and qu-ax cranks be a good huib and crank set
2.how much better would the kris holm hub be then the qu-ax
3.how big of a tire will fit in the bedford flatcrown frame
3.does the bedford 20"3" frame have a flat crown
4.is there any place cheapier then $45 to get a frame powder coated
now I have a few more questions.
1.is the bedford frame better then the nimbus 2
2.does anyone have a picture of the bedford flatcrown frame and the bedford 20"3" frame
3.when will the qu-ax hub and crank set be back in stock at udc because i think I will endup getting it.
4.is the kris holm cranks better on the kris holm hub then the qu-ax ones are.
5.is longer cranks better for pedal grabs
6.what is the best crank arm lengh for trials/street
7.what size bearings fit the bedford frame
ok i think that is all the questions for now if I come up with some more i will post them