How gullable is your school/workplace?

today I done a test to see how gullable my school was. I decided I would make up a story, try my best to act as if it was real, and when 100 people heard the story, see how many people believed me. So… all I needed was a story. Yesterday whilst riding, I fell off my trials uni, cutting my hand. Excellent. so my story: “When I rode to school today, some dog owner lost control of there dog and it ran under my 36er’s tyre, I almost killed it! I can’t believe he couldn’t control it! look what happened to my hand as I fell!”
99%. only one person knew I was messing around. Out of interest, I would like to know how gullable other peoples schools/workplaces are. try it. get the results. share.
It is awefully fun, and I’m intruiged :roll_eyes:

What is so unbelievable about your story that one would have to be gullible to believe it?

I think i don’t need to test it. It would be very easy to gull them… depending on the story… xD

thats pretty funny.

Yeah, the only problem now is that pretty much the whole school now knows me as the murderer… lol


  • another.

My school isn’t gullible, the people inside it may be. Most people I know know that I like to joke around though so wouldn’t believe me any way :smiley: Teachers on the other hand… I will have to find out!

I have a about inch long scare on my stomach, its a deep one, anyway, i got it from a surgery called pyloric stenosis (google it if u want to know what it is) from when i was about 2 weeks old, anyway, Usually before i tell them what its really from, i usually tell them a story that I got stabbed in an ally in detroit (come on, who hasn’t been stabbed in an ally in detroit) and i have gotten people to believe it to the point where they tell other people, but usually, after like 20 seconds they go, “Wait A Minute” :stuck_out_tongue:

I have 4 huge scars on my thumb from some nasty accidents involving a very sharp saw. (yep, i don’t learn, i did the same thing twice! :astonished: )
I told my friend it was from scuba diving in Cyprus and that I got attacked by a shark. He started to believe me, others overheard and believed it to while others who knew where the scars are from laughed! Eventually they realised i was lying and some one slapped me… not sure who though lol!

It was fun though! :smiley:

How I got my scars on my shoulder and leg:

Attacked by a fresh water crocodile (fiction)

I got attacked by a fresh water crocodile that lives in the north end of ZN lake (the swampy part that we discourage the kids from canoeing in because of the sensitive ecosystem, and we can’t see that part of the lake from the canoe beach docks) brought over from Australia by Auzzie Dan.

High speed unicycle accident (fact)

I was on my way to my Native Law final going 30km/h on a lead stabilized road unicycle made from parts of a bike I found in a dumpster with a backpack full of books when my feet flew off the pedals not able to stay on because of the crazy 230RPM cadence I found myself trying to control. I crash hard but then get back up again try to get on but hurt to much so I decide to jog the rest of the way to campus and my test so i wouldn’t be late.

I get there about 30 seconds late the prof decides to let me write it even though I am late but when i take my jacket off I realize that my shoulder is messed up. I tell the prof I need to go see the campus nurse, walk to the other building and walk right past the nurse seeing her but not realizing who she is due to the pain in my shoulder. I realize I walked past her when I get to her office and turn back around and find her at the cafeteria and tell her I think I dislocated my shoulder. She gets me a cab voucher so I can take a cab to the hospital where they tell me I have the worst shoulder separation they have ever seen at the hospital and they had to take muscle casing from my leg to re-build the ligaments in my shoulder. 2 months after surgery I am leading a month long hiking trip carrying a 70lb backpack (mostly group gear and food) causing my scar to heal all big and poofy.

Most of the younger kids believed the crocodile story over my unicycle story because of the simplicity, but the older ones were skeptical of the existence of a fresh water crocodile in ZN lake.

About a third of my staff were skeptical of the unicycle story until they got to know me better. Only one staff member this past summer believed my crocodile story.

I do not think it is a matter of being gullible. People, by nature, want to believe what others tell them especially if it is a friend or someone they know.

The real result of your “test” is that you now have no credibility. If you ever come up with a true story that is the least bit strange, people are not going to believe you.

They must not teach Aesop these days.

Besides, “gulible” is not even in the dictionary.

No Steve, it was a dog that ran in under his Coker’s wheel.
Pay attention will you?

haha, i’ve got a pigeon chest, and it point out pretty much if i use tight shirts or sweaters, and some guys in my class asked “What the **** is that?!?!?”
and I said I had a artificial pacemaker, because there I’ve got heart problems, and i think some people in my class belive it today!:stuck_out_tongue:

On futher reflection, I’m guessing they’re not too big on teaching Walter Mitty either?

thats a reasonable story though…
if you had changed it to:
“…it ran under my 36er’s tyre, and i killed it!..”
then they would have to have been gul to believe it.

Judging by how much some of my colleagues are paid for what little they achieve, I’d say someone in our wages department is gullible. Does that count?:smiley:

Aesop? Oh, he was fabulous!

The “gullible is not in the dictionary” line works so much better with all three ells.

Which reminds me: what’s another word for “thesaurus”?:smiley:

Sorry, I am not that gullible to believe that you actually told the story to 100 people and documented on if they believed it.