How far has your unicycle gone without you on it?

I was riding my 29’’ guni going 10-12 mph. Coming down a mild grade to level ground, I found myself falling backwards. :astonished: I twisted my knee pretty bad. I was in deep pain. As I was agonizing, I notice that the unicycle was almost 100 feet down the road. (maybe 90 feet or 25 meters).

I sure this is my personal record. So I’m curious of any other records out there.

The road I ride has no cars. Can’t imagine if traffic was around. I was lucky I guess. But my knee will be screwed up for a while.

trying to ride my 36er downhill

got a brake for my 36er just havent put it on yet, was going down fairly steep muni route , i usually do on my 24,i was feeling brave just couldnt slow down ,jumped off and my 36 er carried on down the hill until it ran into a some bushes a good 100ft away

Going down a steep intercoastal bridge on the separated pedestrian side (Palm Valley Parkway). Lost control and jumped off the back with no time to grab the uni… I didn’t measure or even estimate but remember how the 36 bounced down the incline quite a distance. I was quite glad that there was a barrier to keep it out of traffic.

Once on the flat when I was going pretty fast, the Coker scooted several feet in front of me as well. now I take extra precautions to hold the seat anytime I’m near pedestrians and to be extra careful around them.

Hope your knee heals soon.

So insensitive of me not to put that in my original post. :o

One of my friends was riding my uni. He didn’t go too far away though. Maybe 89 feet.

The uni.5 went on a trip all around the USA for several weeks and about 8000 miles before it finally came back to me.

mine went across a 3 lane street, up a curb, and about 30 feet down a sidewalk one time… through a bunch of people

ok, i’m just making stuff up… but its gone at least 50 ft… learning to coast

Ditto for me. I usually don’t try to land many of my coasts so I end up ditching the uni a lot. Oh and I have lost my muni off the side of a pretty steep trail, probably 100 feet.

Mine did a ghost ride off a cliff in Moab. It fell over 80 feet. I got it back. It was undamaged.

I had a UPD on a slope that gradually turned into a cliff. The unicycle was rolling then sliding and it just kept on going right over the edge.

hmmm yesterday out riding with (suedestar) i rode across a 4 lane road on his 3 week old kh36 bunny hopped up and over a little island over a gutter then when i went to ride out of it the uni slid out from behind me and nearly went under a car :astonished: lucky the car was in the far lane i was crappin myself then i ran out got his uni and then we laughed it off and made jokes for the next 5 mins :roll_eyes:

did a post on that a long time ago: going down an alley with small stairs I bailed out but Mirza my Coker had another idea and went on rolling (the saddle bouncing on the floor) …
it rolled down the alley, down, down … everyone was amazed and I feared the beast would cross the road at the bottom without its beloved master on the saddle …
then Mirza spotted a patch of grass and came to a halt … phew
distance about 50/80 meters

How far the uni without me on it?

Well, I went to the store yesterday (7 11) to get something to cool down on a hot day, and when I left to go home my cheepo Imperial uni was gone without me. Apparently it couldn’t wait and left without me, and hasn’t been seen since. So I guess it’s still going without me on it.

                        DO I WIN?

We’ll find out next time it posts.
It may be at a neighbour’s house, it may be on a transatlantic flight as we speak.

Sorry about your loss btw.

My record is probably around 130 feet.

I’ve seen a good couple of hundred feet, purely through being at the top of a long steep hill and falling off, kicking the uni out in front and watching it go right down the hill. It rolled in a seat drag for a fair way then hit a bump and took off, tumbling the rest of the way. Took a good few minutes to get it back.

Looks like Harper’s got the record.

My unicycle went to Bangkok without me. I went to Hong Kong. It was supposed to go to Hong Kong too, but it went to Bangkok. I got it back the next day.

When a unicycle gets away and keeps going, whether on level ground or down a hill/stairs, I call that unicycle bowling. At the 2003 NAUCC in the Twin Cities we did some of the MUni competitions on a big, smooth hill of grass. It was a perfect spot for some Unicycle Bowling so we had an informal contest. I started with my MUni as a demonstration at the beginning, and at the end, it was still the furthest one down the hill. This picture shows my uni at the back of the bunch. Andy Cotter set up some cones like bowling pins down there as a target. If you go to the previous page of thumbnails there are a bunch of fun video clips!

When a unicycle gets away off the side of a trail, like John Childs’ account above, I call that a cliffside retrieval. John’s took a lot of hiking to retrieve, but the highest one of those I’ve seen was done by Jim Roberts (jimrob) on the Stevens Trail in my area. The unicycle went down approx. 250-350’.

not sure if mine counts, but i was working on a street line the other day; i crankflipped a 3 stair and then was going to coast about 10 feet on the flat before proceeding to ride down a 56 stair(yes i counted) up until this point i had gotten the coast twice but messed up riding down the stairs. this time while coasting my uni slid out from under me, down all 56 stairs, and the across the 3 lane street at the bottom.