When you feel that you deserve a break or have accomplished a difficult task or personal goal, how do you reward yourself?
Lately I have been on a diet. For my diet I have given up pop and alcohol to cut calories (I was drinking 3 pops a day and usually a beer, glass of wine or whisky at night). I haven’t given them up entirely. Now I use them as a reward for myself when a goal has been met or when I have gotten something important accomplished.
Another way I have rewarded myself is by going to a massage therapist. I try to come up with something once a month to do outside of ordinary things and then get a massage as a reward for getting it done.
when ever i challenge my self to do something hard and complete my challenge i usually take myself out for dinner…i ussually save all my money so by spending it on dinner im just giving myself a little treat…either that or i take a day to myself and rest or read for the day.
If I’m feeling like shopping:
Buy tools. I have a well equipped wood shop.
If it’s nice out or cozy inside, I sit still for a spell. A luxury I seldom afford myself!
If no one is around, I’ll make up a very silly song about my accomplishment as if it was an epic endeavor.
I may give myself a fancy title like:
Grand master box hauler or better yet, chief grits cooker extrordinare if breakfast turns out yummy and not too lumpy.
I quit the pop habit a few years ago. the best transition drink for me was carbonated water like club soda. I hate diet pop, so that wasn’t an option and nothing beats the carbonated drinks if you like them.
You and me are in the same boat, my man, except that there’s no alcohol in my reward system… that’s out for the rest of the year. I string myself along with tonic or club soda, then when the grass gets mowed or the garage gets cleaned out, I break out the ginger ale.
I uninstall and reinstall huge software packages that get confused on my computer. That burns up hours of my time uselessly during which I remain very calm and understanding. Then I hit my hand with a hammer.
Sometimes I try to figure out the grain pattern of unmarked copy paper and scatter a ream of it about the room so I can restack it with the grain pattern aligned. I also reward myself by tying my dog’s feet together when he’s asleep. Sometimes I force athletic socks over his snout.
I would buy myself stuff as a reward, but I don’t have enough money.
Normally I plan large frivolous purchases over the year. (I just assume I’ve done something to deserve them.) I try to go for an annual computer upgrade to keep the rig pwning n00bs, but it might turn into another unicycle this year.
Pop is not a huge addiction for me. I can go without it most days without resorting to doing nasty things to my dog. But I do like it, so it makes a nice reward. For instance, Saturday I cleaned out and organized all our closets. I decided to reward myself with a Dr. Pepper.
What type of hammer do you find works best for this?
When it’s unicycle related, we, ACUN riders (the uni club in Nantes) have a lovely tradition called “The Debriefing” or “le Debriefing à la Nantaise”… It consists in sharing time with the unicyclists fellows, resting, eating, drinking and… well, sometimes using some “soft and non chemical rewards”… (most of the ACUN riders are students:o )
Big things like another degree - buy myself a pressie, have a good night out involving lots of food and drink.
Slightly smaller things like a good essay result - a few glasses of wine and plenty of smiling.
Unicycling accomplishments are usually thier own reward and are accompanied by dancing round the house for 5 mins shouting “Yes, yes”.
The time I give myself the greatest rewards however, is when I’ve had to do something unpleasant (like a job interview, spring cleaning, etc). Then I might get myself a pressie, or have a little treat like extra time unicycling.
Educate the crude American. I guessing that “pressie” is British slang for “present.”
To people around Northern Michigan (U.S.), it refers to an imaginary lake monster that lives in Lake Superior. And as far as I know, it’s not for sale.
I believe the code is called english. But I don’t know.
Now, about rewards, dang, I don’t really do anything… I’d first need to set a goal before reward myself for completing that goal, but completion is a faded line in most cases.