How do you know know if your cats are spoiled?

Is it when you are grocery shopping and you buy crabmeat specifically for them because you and your Missus don’t eat it, and think they will love it?

Or is it when you excitedly put it on their 3 cat dishes for them, while explaining to them that it’s not approriate to jump on the counter and to wait until it’s on the floor?

Or is it when two of them start eating and one of them turns up his nose, so you go down to the convenience store to buy him tuna because you know he likes it?

Brian, the petarent of three lucky cats

(I won’t get into the time I slept in the spare room because when it was time to get into bed, they were in my place, asleep, and looked waaay to comfy and cute to wake up!)

Or, when your cat is more of a lazy drunkard than the guy across the street.

(Not my picture btw, I don’t have any cats :stuck_out_tongue: )

my cat is lucky…in fact shespoiled downright rotten…and its all my fault. heres a list of her spoilings:

  1. when i make tuna she always ends up with more tha me
  2. when she comes in the room she becomes the center of attention
  3. if shes on my bed when i want to go to sleep…i sleep on my couch
  4. she eats before i do in the morning

Hahaha, that made me laugh out loud.

same here.

my cats sort of like that if my cat sleeps on my bed he gets most of the covers, but then i gety my revenge, if its cold i put one cat on my feet and one around my neck/chest. oh so comfy

^ good idea!


I don’t know what the big deal is about knowing whether or not your cat is spoiled. It’s pretty easy to tell. Does is smell when you open the container and is it covered with green fuzz?

The many faces of my boy, “Morty”:smiley: And “Spoiled” is an understatement!


He’s cute.

I’ve developed a new respect for cats - they don’t always bark at me when I unicycle.

i think hes great. i love cats.

silly pics for u cat luvers



We’re getting a cat soon.
If it’s a male I want to call him Jeoffrey, for he is an instrument for the children to learn benevolence upon.

You know your cats are spoiled if you haven’t killed and eaten them yet.

I have a 38 lb cat. It eats dried food by laying on the floor next to the bowl, tipping the food from the bowl onto the floor, and eating the food off the floor. It lays down any time it is not walking to poop or eat.

When you devote an entire thread on a unicycling-forum site to them?

catz rule

Cat are cool… But Brian, I hope you aren’t feed those cat regular tinned tuna, I don’t know what sorta stuff you have got in your tuna over there, but the salt content over here is way too high in tinned fish and can damage their kidneys… leading to renal failure :frowning: sorry for the bad news, but fresh is best…:slight_smile:

I think cats are still edible after renal failure.

So long as they are still fresh and not canned though. Canned cat is the worst its all salty and is hardly edible.

Indeed, that should also ensure that the meat is laced with uric acid, the substance that gives meat it’s ‘meaty’ taste. (Try meat from a carcass that was bled dry to appreciate the difference.)
So as long as you want to enjoy the muscles of small animals naturally marinated in urine, knock yourself out.