How do you get sponsered?

Hello i have gone to many unicycling company sites and none of them say “sponser” or any thing like that so how do you get sponserd, and witch is the easyest company to get sponsered by, for trails and flat, not mountain. :thinking:

sixsixone is pretty good to get sponsored by, and easy. You normally need to be really active in the sport you want to get sponsored for, you need to get more people into that sport, and then buying the sponsor companies product. E mail some companies, and they might sponsor you. Its not what your sponsor can do for you, but what you can do for your sponsor. When sponsored, your real life commercial for the company. You make what your doing look fun, and interesting to get into when in public.

dont unicycle to get sponsored. You should be unicycling for fun, and use sponsorship for financial help.

by the way, use the search function, this thread has been covered a lot.

ok il try that thanks, and i dint no there was a search engin i just joined today. and ya i do unicycle for fun and the rest of the stuff you said.

and um on the sixtone site it doesnot say unicycling.

Of course not.
They don’t have any sponsored unicyclists(by their terms), but they are perfectly willing to give us discounts-if you’re a decent rider, though some people(who will remain nameless) have slipped through the cracks.

Shoot them an E-mail and see what happens…But do you really need shinguards? If you don’t need to replace an old pair this whole thing is utterly pointless.
Try to clean up your English a bit too or they won’t take you seriously…

If you’re good enough maybe someday a candy bar company will sponsor you! Or Starbucks! Or a doughnut shop!
mmmmm…free doughnuts…
Though I will need some video evidence before I determine the validity of your username:)

not to be a prick or anything, but usually for sponsorship…if you have to ask, you aren’t ready

umm. Sponsors arent going to go find you. It does require input from the rider.

Ya my english when im not presenting it for like marking or sponsership is not that good, and i have no shin, elbow, knee or anything guards just a helmet. I did not know you could get sponserd for starbucks! I could just buy new shin guards but I like to save the big bucks for the unicycle itself and i need a new one.

don’t forget Terry’s video

Thats a great video. Very entertaining. Have you seen the ‘target practice video’. The first one on the related videos list.

Being good at unicycling obviously helps in getting sponsorship but it’s mainly about how good you are at getting people to buy the companies products.

I wouldn’t buy anything from this “imgoodatuni” fellow :roll_eyes:

And being good is a necessity. I will admit here and now that one of my biggest influences that leaned me towards a KH over the competition was one of Luke’s videos.