How do you deal with noisy neighbourhood cats?

A friend of mine lives in a complex with a strict No Pets rule. This does not stop wandering pets from the surrounding houses from choosing the communal garden, right outside her window, to make their noises.

She isn’t a good sleeper to begin with and having her sleep regularly interrupted and then essentially ruined for the rest of the night is now beginning to impact her health. She hasn’t had a full night’s sleep for about three weeks now and is getting rather frantic.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this situation?

I believe there is some stuff you can buy (i dunno what it’s called). They’re like little pellets that you put in the garden, and the cats or dogs wont go in teh garden because they smell or something like that. They arent harmful to the cat or anything

The solution to neighborhood cats is neighbohood coyotes.
I imagine there is an equivalent wild canid in SA.

okay i got really bored, went upstairs and found this in our pantry.

Thanx for that.
I’m busy googling to try n find a local version.

I think the little pellets are called thirty eights or something like that. You have to get a special dispenser for them. I didn’t see anything on the box though to say they were not toxic to cats. :slight_smile:


Says, “does not harm animals.”

I have some suggestions, Dave…

Maintain a high level of curiosity :stuck_out_tongue:

…and some pellets fall on stony ground. Not like you JJ. :slight_smile:


Bruce, this situation is about a heartbeat away from antifreeze in catfood.
I might take you up on your suggestions.

The local versions seem to be known as ‘Scent off’ and ‘Voetsek’ (Afrikaans slang for …‘go away’…)

You can try the high-powered squirt guns (like Super Soakers) - they don’t harm the animals, but very few of them like being squirted repeatedly. After a little while, they’re get the hint.

Anyone have any suggestions that don’t involve those chemicals? We have cats of our own so don’t want to freak them out, but there’s a nasty black tom cat that keeps trying to get into our house and I think he wants to do rude things to our little cats. I think it was he who impregnated Essie before we had her snipped.

Oh man, now I feel bad…We’re going to end up with the feline wing of Fathers 4 Justice protesting outside our house for not allowing him to contact his kids.

'Tis truely a moral maze.

My suggestions involve firearms and pellets of a different sort.

I’ve been thinking about one of those and a semi permanent dye so the cats can be traced back to their owners.

We’re on the same wavelength Bruce.
I can’t help but think that during the day these cats must be someone’s beloved pet.
And if they would only have them neutered, we wouldn’t be having this problem.
It’s just getting completely out of hand and nobody wants to know my friend’s story. None of the other owners seem to wake up and the council bylaws are all about dogs. It’s getting rather silly all told.

In the event that it’s all about a female, would that be a seasonal thing that will blow over in another week’s time?
I’m not that clued-up on feline fertility cycles.

Apparently if you mix a variety of curry/chilli powder in with a big animal’s urine - for big animal see Lion - and spread that around in strategic points around the garden, little tom cat and his friends tend to get the message that they are on someone else’s territory. Failing large animal pee (see Lion), human urine is meant to also work… albeit not quite as well as a big ‘go away now’ Lion. :astonished:

Something like this Yoopers?

Consider catching them, shaving them, and writing a message to the owner on the cat with a permanent indellible marker. It might make the local news, too!

Hahaha, thats awsome!..Maybe you could do that to that new kid next door Blake?

You thought about doing that to your next door nieghbours kid first didn’t you…lol :smiley: