How do you add pictures to posts without using "Attach File:"?

How do you add pictures to posts without clicking on “Browse…” in the “Attach File:” section?

Another unrelated question and please forgive my ignorance but, will my albums on always exist? I don’t understand how the internet works :).


You can link to other pictures already on the internet using the ‘IMG’ tag… click the button then type or paste in the full address of a picture. If it’s one from the gallery make sure it’s the address of the actual picture, not the page it’s in… it should have a “.jpg” or other picture extension on the end.

As for the gallery’s existence… it’ll be there as long as Gilby keeps it there. Which is why the “Support Us!” link is helpful!


Thanks Phil,

So does Gilby have to pay to keep this site running? (once again sorry for the ignorance).

This is a good time to remind folks that, yes, Gilby has to pay to maintain this site. The proceeds come from sales of his unicycle themed t-shirts and from direct donations using the support button. He implemented the support button within the last year or so to help supplement income from the shirts.

Please support this site in any way you are able. Gilby provides a fantastic resource for us all and puts in the time and effort to maintain the site for free. We are the beneficiaries of his selfless and Herculian efforts.

If I buy a Gilby shirt though, will Gilby get the same amount of money, as if I got it thought this site ( I really want one, or a few, but this site says that they aren’t for sale now. I would also prefer to get it through this site because the shipping is much less then form the source.


Wow…I had no idea. Thanks Gilby, I think it’s time for me to check out the shirts.


Hey there, thanks for the great post.

Just checking in to say that I use IE 7.1(release 1.2.1) and have experienced similar problems with it.

Have you tried using a different browser?

… a troll got ahold of his password?

Sorry guys! That was my friend being an idiot.