How do I use gallery remote?

I’ve just downloaded gallery remote because I’ve been having trouble moving things around in my album. I’ve tried what you can see in the picture plus and for the URL but it doesn’t want to work. Can anyone help me with this?


Use and make sure you include the http:// in teh front of it.


I’m still not having any luck. It’s now saying:

Error: <br>
<b>Fatal error</b>: Maximum execution timew of 30 seconds exceeded in <b>/home/sites/site3/web/gallery/classes/Album.php</b> on line <b>1096</b><br>

That’s if I put as the URL and also add andrew_carter as my username and type in my password.

Thanks a lot for the help,

how do you make a screen shot like that?

I don’t know if Andrew did it this way but if you press the “PRINT SCRN” key it copies the current screen onto the clipboard. Your then open an application that will accept it (WORD works for one) and PASTE. The screen shot will magically appear.

almost seems too easy! Thanks

PRT SCN will copy a bitmap of the entire desktop to the clipboard.

Alt + PRT SCN will copy a bitmap of just the active window to the clipboard.

There are also applications that do better screen captures than PRT SCN. The apps can do things like capture the mouse pointer, and do other helpful things. Do a search at on “screen capture” to see some them.

Yes, I used Print Screen but I had to go into Paint Shop Pro 6 and cut it down to size. That’s what I do to get screenshots of videos too. John, thanks for adding that about Alt + Print Screen, that’s really handy and I’ll be using that a lot now.

Are you still reading this thread Gilby? I can see how good this Gallery Remote program will be if it’ll start working. Does anyone else out there use Gallery Remote?


Try again. When you get that error it just means that it took too long to do whatever it was doing, possibly because the server is too busy. Seems like the gallery stuff puts a big load on the CPU, probably because there are to many users than what it’s built for. The next version of the Gallery is written to use MySQL, so that’ll be a nice improvement.


I’ve tried lots of times but it still won’t work. I guess I’ll just keep trying.

Thanks for the advice,


Sorry to bring this up again but it now appears to be connecting but not finding my gallery. Is there something I can do about this?

Thanks a lot,


Some hints at a solution, perhaps?

I too am having the same problem – you’re not alone Andrew.

My logfile is also coming up with the same timeout response and then telling me the gallery couldn’t be found at .

It appears this isn’t something just isolated to the your servers Gilby… there’s quite a thread over on the Gallery forums (here) dicussing this exact issue. Your suggestion of’s large number of users contributing to the timeout issue makes a good deal of sense. Unfortunately the logfiles that are currrently posted in the thread don’t show any evidence of a timeout issue, but they do still run up on the “Gallery not found” bit. Also unfortunate is there is no real solution posted there as of yet.

An executive summary of the thread:

  • people were getting the “Gallery not found” error when uploading. They had been able to at least fetch their albums, browse them, etc. They’re getting farther than we are so we’ll ignore them for now.
  • one suggestion for above was to set max_upload_filesize = 4M in php.ini (that said, by it’s default at 2M, so I’m not sure what an extra 2M is going to do, but worth a try) and another edit in php.conf (I didn’t understand what it was getting at as I don’t have a copy of php.conf to peruse – don’t have it installed at the time)
  • another dude (Brett – brettnem) came along and had the same problem (“Gallery not found” upon logging in… this is what our issue is. He isn’t getting the timeout bit, but I think it’s close enough for a rough comparison).
  • his solution was to downgrade PHP to version 4.2.2 (from 4.3.0) – this is the latest version of PHP supported by Gallery Remote. Apparently he can login and browse now, but is getting the same errors now as the other folks (the “gallery not found” box pops up on upload, but the images are still getting uploaded, apparently).

Gilby, I’m not sure how much you want to play with this, as I don’t know that there’s a large number of us trying to use Gallery Remote. They’re working on v.1.01 (beta3 is the latest build) and there may be something in the Remote itself that will be changed when the next stable build is released so as to avoid this issue. Maybe just waiting a while, letting other people do the work, would be just as fast as playing with things on this end. That said, if you have the time to set up a test install of the Gallery and PHP, we could poke at it a bit. I’d be willing to do some testing if you want, seeing if a reduced number of users makes a difference, and checking what effect the PHP version has, if any. I also don’t know how comfortable you are letting other people have access to things on the servers, but if you sequester the test bits off from the main folders, there shouldn’t be a problem.

I’ll be testing and installing the whole operation for a site I’m working on in the next few weeks, but we don’t have our user system worked out yet, and I don’t have any idea what kind of interaction there is between the site’s user database and the Gallery software (something I’ll probably figure out as I start messing with the Gallery software). I figure it would be easier to use your stuff as it’s already all set up and you have a solid grasp on what is going on.

Wooh… long-winded and disorganised post. Sorry about that. Let us know what you think, I suppose.

Oh, and thanks for getting my gallery login working (I was one of those who hadn’t ever created a gallery before you upgraded to v1.3.3).



Thanks a lot for clearing all that up. I’m glad I’m not the only one having problems.

Can anyone help me with this problem (since I won’t be using Gallery Remote for a while):
When I try to move photos and videos from one album to a nested album, I seem to be doing everything right and it doesn’t come up with any errors or anything but they just don’t move. Can anyone help me?


I’ll just wait for the developers to figure it out. When I log in as admin, all the albums show up, but when I try with another username, I get the gallery not found error.

Gilby: Cool.

Andrew (and Gilby): I tried moving pics to a nested album and ran up on the same issue (it would be awfully nice to know if we’re the only ones experiencing this or if we’re the only ones saying something).

Move a range of photos to a new album:<br>
<i>(To move just one photo, make First and Last the same)</i><br>
<i>(Nested albums in this range will be ignored)</i><p>
<form action=  [b]name="move_to_album_form"[/b]>
<input type=hidden name="" value="">
<input type=hidden name="index" value="21">

yada, yada, yada...

<select name="newAlbum">
<option value=0 selected> << Select Album >> </option>
<option value="albup10"> -- -- Untitled</option>
[b]<b>Fatal error</b>:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in 
<b>/home/sites/site3/web/gallery/classes/Album.php</b> on line <b>1244</b><br>[/b]

That’s the code from the submit window (see attached picture). When I first used the form, I thought both sections might use the same set of submisison buttons (hadn’t looked to see they were seperate forms). They don’t, as the second one (the “move files to nested album” part) submits “move_to_album_form” to move_photo.php whereas the “move photos around in the same album” part submits “theform” to move_photo.php. The issue with this second form, as you can see at the end of the code, is it hits another 30 second timeout before it can load up the Submit buttons for the form (Gilby, I’m sure you can confirm there is actually a submit button for that second form). Not sure why the Gallery is having such an issue with this aspect of its functionality, but it would be nice if we could get it cleared up.

I tried moving different pictures and had the same timeout error, but on different lines (and in one of them, in a different file).

<b>Fatal error</b>:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in 
<b>/home/sites/site3/web/gallery/classes/AlbumDB.php</b> on line <b>218</b><br>


<b>Fatal error</b>:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in 
<b>/home/sites/site3/web/gallery/classes/Album.php</b> on line <b>417</b><br>

I’m not sure what’s going on in these lines, so I don’t really have anything to suggest.


I increased the time limit to 60 seconds. I’m guessing that the problem is simply that we are using gallery for more than it was meant to be used for. Meaning that there are too many users and too many albums for the data system that is being used.

So, hopefully Gallery 2.0 will come out soon :slight_smile:


Thank you very much – both the web interface and the gallery remote are working for me perfectly!

How are things on your end, Andrew?


Eli and Gilby,

I’ve had some success with Gallery Remote now…thanks Gilby. I’m hoping that I’m just not using it properly, but I can’t see any way to rearrange albums on Gallery Remote. I’m trying to do what I said before and move photos and videos into a nested album. I just can’t see a way to do it. I did successfully upload a photo using Gallery Remote but I don’t really see the advantage at the moment. I’ll try to move photos and videos into nested albums in a minute without Gallery Remote.



Thanks a lot Gilby! It’s now working. I don’t know about Gallery Remote but I don’t really need it anymore anyway. The ‘web interface’ is working perfectly for me too. Now I can start to organise my gallery.

Thanks a lot,

Okay, now that I’ve used gallery remote a little more I can see how helpful it is. Thanks a lot.