How do I dry/cure these hearts?

“Baby, you stole my heart. But that’s okay; I’ve got 3 more in the freezer at home.”

I’m seeing the Flying Karamozov brothers tomorrow night.
They do a thing during their set where we’re supposed to bring them weird things to juggle.
I’ve got four hearts, but their dripping with blood and kinda disgusting.
How can I dry them out so they’ll be a bit more solid, and won’t rot, but also will not loose their pretty red and blue color?

…hu…human hearts…? :thinking:

probably cow or pig hearts.
I think.

i saw them, my stepdad brought an agitator from a washing maching(you know those things in the middle)
and i brought an empty bottle of tide, they couldnt juggle that, and a rubber snake and wet soap.
i dont know how the person kept the soap wet though

you shouldnt dry the hearts it would be harder, and also they do this sweet thing when they juggle altoids

This might work. If you try it, let me know how it went.

You can dry meat by putting it the oven at the lowest heat possible while keeping the oven door slightly open. It probably works better if you cut the hearts open first. If you don’t dry them completely, but just enough for them to stop dripping blood, you can probably stuff them with something and sew them back together. If they’re not completely dry they will rot, so keep them in the freezer, thaw them in the fridge for a day, and dry them the night before you need them.

Okay, I think I’ve dried out the hearts.
I left them buried in 3 pounds of salt overnight.
Now, the problem is…
How do I get all the salt off?
I could of course wash them, but this would seem to defeat the purpose. Although if I’ve sufficiently dried out the insides, just quickly rinsing them and towel-drying them shouldn’t be bad, right? I poured salt all down the arteries, so I think it’s pretty much dry inside.

Dudewithasock: I work with the cadavers at my university, so it was no problem getting them. Nothing creepy or Dalhmer-like.

Okay, I think I’ve got it.
They’re not completely dry, but I’ve got them in a container half filled with rice now, so it shouldn’t rot before tonight…hopefully…

I bet you have stimulating conversations with them …


Check your PMs.

I was just kidding. They were pork hearts from the local chinese market for $1 each.

did you see the show?!? how was it!?!? please report!!

yes yes! Do tell!

The show was awesome.
They made a great comment: “That’s digusting,” as I threw the hearts on the stage. :smiley:
But, they juggled them.
And then someone came with a shovel to clear them off the stage.
They were mostly dry by the time I got them there. I salted them overnight, and then brought them to the show in a container filled with rice.
I talked with them after the show. They said I brought the only interesting prop for them.
I used to juggle with Rod (“Pavel”) about six years ago when we lived in northern virginia, so it was cool to see him again.

you used to juggle with a guy from them!! thats awsome!!!
when i went there were some good things, like a rubber snake, which they tied up in a ball and it was easy to juggle, but there was also some soap that was still wet it was cool

When I saw the Ks do a live show, around 1990 or so, they had a birthday cake (candles were originally lit; it was one of the guys’ birthday), a Slinky, and some other really annoying object I can’t remember. The Slinky got tied in a knot and the cake was gradually reduced to a compressed glob. It’s a great bit. You should have brought the hearts in wet and dripping, as slimy as possible!