see title.
the only mods i know are gilby and harper.
no offence but you probably wont EVER be a moderator.
Hacking any use?
Make useful and mature contributions to the community for 10 years+ and you might have a shot.
if you want to be eternally banned from posting again on and shunned by thousands of members, then yes it would be useful.
You can begin by starting threads in the right forums(e.g. this would be much better off in JC) and using some grammar and capitalisation.
Then, learn to make objective judgements and decisions and control your temper(general advice for anyone who wants to be a mod here, I don’t know about you personally). Be as helpful to everyone as possible and in a few years, when there is a new outbreak of spam and/or immature threads, offer your candidature once more.
p.s. I’m still waiting for Gilby to make me omnipotent.
I guess i’ll not recomed it to him then
That can’t be right, or how would Harper have become a moderator?
Harper’s been a mod for a long time – ever since I’ve been here.
Ok, make useful and mature contributions to the community for 10 years+ and you might have a shot OR post a photo of yourself in a scandalous leotard, cuddling a jugglebug.
That’s the ticket.
Another in a long line of useful and mature contributions…
Oh, stevey, I worry that your anger will consume you. Breathe deeply and read some Billy posts for therapy. And remember, however trite, hate is not family value.
You’re confusing my jubilant sarcasm with anger. I love you, man. Edit:
[OT]However, if you want anger: stick your “family values” where the sun don’t shine, pal. That’s a Rovian term which sprang from Clinton’s thoughtless indiscretions, and led to the current Cheney/Bush poisonous, corporate-supporting, poor-abandoning, crony-enriching, haves-and-have-mores, environment-raping, say-one-thing-and-do-the-other insane war-mongering-by-draft-dodgers debacle. There’s my anger, and I’ve got plenty.[/OT] Edit:
I made myself a co-mod. heheh
Seeing photos of you riding with your daughter I find that rather hard to believe. The actual story of how I became a moderator is amusing. I was regularly reporting spam to Gilby at a time when it was really pouring in several years ago. He sent me a PM saying that, since I was seeing the spam before him, he made me a moderator so I could just throw it away without bugging him. Lately I think he has been filtering the spam because so much of it is already sent to the Trash Receptacle before I even see it.
Membership in the Unicycling Society of America, $15.00
Hearing steveyo express himself so articulately, PRICELESS!
By the way, it will come as no surprise that many people have suggested I become a moderator, and I am flattered. Sincerely.
However, I have no time, and I’m sorry, i must decline the nomination. And if elected, I will not serve.
You have to be reincarnated as one…be really good in this life, and if your karma is healthy enough, you might get lucky.
As an administrator of a forum which is part of a website maintained by my church, I can tell you that it really isn’t the thrill you probably think it is.
It’s pretty unnecessary on this forum too.
True, we don’t really have a moderator much…it’s more of an anarco-sydicalist commune. We take it in turns to be a sort of executive officer of the week, but all the decisions of that officer have to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting, by a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs, but by a two thirds majority in the case of external affairs.