tomtrevor literally means guy who rides a Kris Holm unicycle.
mine is just my first and middle names, pretty original huh?
Joe and 2005 is the year I started riding.
I like to throw tomahawks
i got it at the last muni weekend. courtisy of bret, cody, specer and others.
Uh, I took the space out.
i made mine up for a xbox live gamer tag since alot of people use xbox live all the names are taken and so i thought of something orginal
You were killed by an old cripple or you killed an old cripple!
i thought it sounded cool…
and it’s what i do mostly when i’m on the forums or checking out my email.
Mine’s pretty self-explanatory. I may change it to “uni-geezer.”
Mine should be self explanatory.
I earned it.
I like goats and unis so i chose goats on unis.
I was riding one day and I thought, I am doing a long wheelie.
On a drunken boogie mission I was short of sustenance so did request that someone go forth to he bar wench and obtain more boogiejuice.
One cannot function without adequate supplies of ‘funk fuel’.
I like Duct Tape and my Camp staff name a few years ago (three now) was Ducttape so i use that and ever since then it’s followed me everywhere, I still will see these little kids from camp 3 years ago with their camp shirts on and it’ll be some random place like the supermarket and a little kid will yell to his mom as loud as any little kid can yell “Look Mom It’s Duct Tape!” and they’ll come running over to say Hi, I don’t get paid much (about 2.50 an hour for 6 hours a day monday thru friday) but it’s that kind of reaction that has kept me going back for the third year now.
Hey guys/gals, my name came from the words/abbreviation HAZardous MATerials. Also my friends call me it too.
I had been working around the clock for a long time and felt like I was crashing. So when I got an id I choose ‘crashing’, which was taken. So I went with ‘chrashing’. I’ve used it ever since.
Well I was told I looked like a bob( my names mike). As for wicked some one told me I had wicked juggling skills( I really don’t I am working on 5:) ). So then I put an adj.-wicked infront of what I told my name should be due to the way I look and there you have it. I have used it ever since if you see my username on other forums it is probly me. My real name is always taken michael mire ( last name you dont need that:p ) or some form of that because of the movie. I actually was named after my grand-father if not for my last name I would have jr. infront of my name.
Greetings Bold Warrior.
I was born on the southern tip of Africa as well, but in the nearby kingdom of the Zulu.
After some travelling around the country, I eventually settled in Johannesburg, locally known as Egoli - City of Gold.
The city was founded on a gold-rush, so it does make some sense.
After living here for some time, I felt that some of the city rubbed off on me and I chose the username GILD.
Not GILT, which would refer to the thin layer of gold that would’ve rubbed off on me, but rather GILD, meaning something along the lines of ‘one who has been gelded’, but just in the past tense, hence the GILD in stead of GELD.
Gild, you should totally form a guild.