How did you get your username?

So? How did you come up with it?

I came up with mine because it is a mix between my first and last name.

My username is my first name.

I know…you already told me…lol :stuck_out_tongue:

mines my first name too! with part of my adress. I actually didnt make it one of my friends made it for me for aim. i use it for everything even though i dont have aim.

I thougt it was the year you were born. :frowning:

I used the search feature. Then I just picked this username.

off a t-shirt I have.

Mikefule, pronounced Mee-kay-foo-lay, is vernacular Tongan for “Bold warrior who rides the disc of the Sun.”

Although I was born in the bantu homeland of Bophuthatswana in South Africa, my parents, who were itinerant Methodist missionaries, moved soon after to Tonga in the South Pacific. After my father died (he ate something that disagreed with him) and my mother died a few years later (something that disagreed with her ate her), I was raised by a local holy man who taught me the language.

At the age of 20, I was traced by solicitors acting for the estate of my late grandfather, and I returned to claim my inheritance, Bogger Hall, by the side of the sparkling Trent in the east midlands of England.

I bought my first unicycle in the 1970s and, like most things in the 1970s, it was gold metalic, including the wheel rim. The name, “Bold warrior who rides the disc of the Sun” (Mikefule) seemed somehow appropriate, both as an ironic reference to the gold wheel, and as a tribute to the kindly Tongan people who raised me.

One man riding on one wheel.

Such an unbelievably amazing story. It must be horribly difficult for you to discuss the passing of your parents. Such a brave soul. Your parents would be very proud of you. Thank you for sharing that with us.

Its part of my first and last name.

Mine is who I am.

My first name’s Daniel, so a girl at my church nicknamed my Lt. Dan (from the awesome movie Forrest Gump) when I was like 10.

i wanted bushmonkey becouse that is how i am sometimes described - i love living in the bush and act/climb like a monkey but alass it was unavailable. since there doesent seem to be many people who unicycle in this vast province and unlike some i love my native Saskatchewan i decided to go with the name saskatchewanian

I was bored so I made an msn thingy and being the strange being I am, I called myself Mycatisonfire and it has followed me everywhere ever since

I thought your name was Mike? :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


the- my initails

my aim sn.
and mike is that a true story??


I got my name because 17 years ago, I was born. :smiley:

it’s just what i do.