How cold is too cold to ride?


Hello everyone from Yakutsk! It is in Russia. (you can search it in Google maps or Wiki)
I think I am first winter muni rider here:) As for other unicyclists, I saw here in circus 2 girls with giraffes.
I ride with unicycle only for 6 month. I bought first muni (Nimbus 24) in November and started to ride winter muni . In winter, usual temperature here is -46C. (it is only in Yakutsk, in villages colder). When I started, At November was – 20. It is normal. I asked questions for our bicycle winter riders and they said me what I should to wear. Balaclava and scarf with fleece hat. And more underwear with usual what you wear in winter.(But I also with unty. It is fur boot)
People here looked at my so scared :astonished: but sometimes they said: “Cool!”.
I think winter riding is FUN.

Hi Kartochitatel - great post, and welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t rule out the woolly mammoth possibility, but his screws are definitely well-tightened. Trust him.

Welcome Kartochitatel! Perhaps not the first winter muni rider but definitely one of the few :slight_smile:

Went for a ride just before christmas. I was pusing powder with my hub in the low spots. The downhills were slippery powdery fun but the uphills and flats sort of a slog.

And yah the -45 was not so much out of choice but nessesity. My truck would not start and I had to go to class.

And I am more Yeti/Sasquatch/Abobnible Snowman. I definitely lost some of my superpowers when I cut my hair though.