I’ve never unicycled, but I really would like to try it. My guess is that it probably doesn’t make sense to buy one until I actually try one. Is that right? Who can teach me to ride?
I am in the East Bay (Oakland) Area of California
no, get one, if you are that interested you will learn.
just jump on, squash your balls, sit on it right, pedal about 3000 times and fall each time, get on again, ride it 100 yards
know how to ride a unicycle.
EDIT: put as much weight as possible on the seat.
Just buy one… then get on it… fall lots, and you will learn VERY quickly!
I think there are a lot of unicycles collecting dust in people’s garages and basements.
Somebody said once, “Don’t ask the barber if you need a haircut.”
Well, you are asking a bunch of unicycling enthusiasts whether to buy a unicycle! We will all tell you it’s great fun. And great exercise.
I’ll also add that it’s one of the best things that ever happened to me. I’ve made so many friends as a result. I’ve met so many interesting people as a result. And because it’s a conversation starter, I’ve had so many pleasant conversations with complete strangers as a result of riding my unicycle or having it with me.
How old are you? If you are young, you will probably learn fast. If you are old, it will probably take you a while. But if I can learn, ANYONE can learn. You don’t have to have great skill to have great fun. Become competent at basic riding… and ride all over. Meet people. Join a club. Go to a convention. Make friends here on the forums. You can’t go wrong. You WILL be able to learn. And your life will be enriched.
Search the forums and ask questions about the best unicycle to buy. There’s lots of stuff already posted about that. You can call whoever you will buy from for advice (such as unicycle.com).
Will your unicycle end up collecting dust in the garage? Not if you stick with it, have patience, learn, and have fun with it. Find or create someone to ride with. Post your learning experiences here. Get support here. And if you later decide it’s not for you, you can sell your unicycle here in the Trading Post forum.
I say go for it. Why do boring, ordinary things, such as bike or inline skate? Do something extraordinary! It’s more fun that way. Welcome to the forums. I think we ALL hope to welcome you to the fun world of unicycling.
Well i say buy a cheap one and learn it. If you need help, there is always someone here on unicyclist.com to help you. Oh and welcome to the forums.
yeah, get a cheap uni off ebay or some place like that.
just getting on the uni and trying to ride it takes a long time. i learned holding myself up with ski poles but you could use walls, benches, a car. anything. here’s a nice video with Kris Holm on how to get started.
There’s a group of people who ride in Pleasant Hill every friday. If you can make it out we’d be happy to hook you up with one and help you out. if you’re interested, PM me, or yunisyko, or torkerdx, or even timbob1907.
PM you because you totally ride every week…
makes total sense…
total sense totally
Yeah, i got my Uni off eBay - Bit of a blow-out really… $22AUD for the Uni (brand new) and $35AUD for postage!
It seems like it will last a while and has been a good learning tool - when i get better/bust it i will buy decent one.
Well if you want help finding one. This was my very 1st unicycle which i learned on and had for 2 years b4 selling it to my friend to get my DX. So that might help you somehow.
BTW i had no problems with it as i also gave it a beating when learning.
I’m going to buy a unicycle within one week too. If you like, you can add me to your messenger. I can’t wait to try my unicycle.
I’ll go ahead and put in a plug for my unicycling journal, which has helped many people learn to ride so far. It details my first 35 days on my learner unicycle, with tips included on most of the entries. The link is in my sig.
Welcome to the forums, and welcome to one wheel.
Yes, this journal is very helpful - i recommend you have a read of it:D
Welcome also! The one wheel world is a great place to be;)
I also agree that you should either borrow one from a friend (so you have access to it everyday) or buy one. But don’t just try a friend’s that he/she is not willing to loan you and make up your mind based on a few tries or one day’s experience.
If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, just be sure that you are getting one with a semi ok seat. Most every seat will feel uncomfortable to a new rider, but some seats are just downright impossible.
One I have in my garage… I knew I could ride so I was able to work through the severe discomfort until I got a new one, but had I been a new rider I might not have given unicycling a second chance.
Listen to the advice on the forums about what unicycle and what seat. I’d be careful about buying a “no name” off ebay or from a bike shop.
oh. and welcome!
Keep trying. If you fall (you will) get back up. Dont ever stop until you have it, dont say its too hard, dont give up. You’ll get it after a while, just keep at it.
Just learning
i’m just learning. Got a uni for my birthday in November. Spent December in the house balancing between the walls in the hallway. Took it outside in January and started falling. I really recommend wrist guards and shin guards and a helmet of course. I have logged my hours and after 15 hours of riding I can go in a straight line on relatively level surface for several hundred yards. I can free mount with either foot - but not 100% of the time. I still have failures. I can turn somewhat, much better to the left than to the right - I don’t know why yet. I can go off of a 6" curb. I want to know what I should try to learn next.
I absolutely agree! I’m sure the wrist guards have saved me more than once.
Congratulations on being able to ride in such a short time, Ellsworth. I’m so amazed that you can free mount already. And off a 6" curb? Ok… I’ve tried that twice… once on my 24 and once on my 29… both times I couldn’t make it stick. I’m so envious you can!
What next. One of the most important things I think is to log in plenty of practice hours with what you already can do. You’ll find that smoother and tighter turning and other things just come naturally as you log in miles and enjoy yourself.
When I was first learning I was more comfortable turning right. I would avoid left turns at all costs. But I got better at them when I forced myself to go down the same paths that made me turn left. So you could start there I guess.
There are lots of skills you could practice. How about mounting with food in your hands and enjoying a snack when you ride? Ready for that?
Nice to see another over 30 in the forums and on a uni.
You should try and get a friend to learn with you…it makes it easier to keep trying. My brother and I bought a unicycle and shared it (took twice as long to learn, lol) but it was way more fun to learn with someone else.
Thats fun…I like to buy ice cream and get it in a cup with a spoon and ride around eating it lol makes riding a unicycle that much cooler
Did you really expect anyone here to tell you not to get one?
It shouldn’t be hard to find a cheap one to learn on somewhere. Don’t get anything expensive unless you know you really like it and will use it a lot.
It really doesn’t take long to learn if you are determined enough. You will fall a bunch of times but before you know it you will be riding down the street.