how ankles should not look...

Yesterday was the first really nice day in Erie since about November, and 5 minutes after having the uni out I go and do this.

My foot slipped off the pedal mid air while i was gapping a set of stairs, and landed with all weight on my foot. Amazingly the bone is fine, but all my tendons/ligaments are ripped and aparently there’s lots of internal bleeding. Worst thing; no riding for the first month of summer.

Good lord, dude, that sucks! This is going to sound really dumb, but does it hurt bad? Or is it just sore?

Either way, that really sucks…sorry about the bad luck.

Jebus!! That’s the biggest ankle I’ve seen in a long time…did you go to the doctor? Because you should.

It’s by far the worst i’ve hurt myself… but they gave me a nice perscription for vicodin so at the moment it’s really not that bad.

I had the almost exact thing happen to me. They casted mine for 3 weeks, and then, after a trip to Disneyland, decided that I should wear an inflatable support boot for two weeks after that. :sunglasses:

All i got was morphine for my dislocated legs. :frowning:

Good swelling, but you need some good bruise colour for a top injury, I’ll give you 6 out of 10.

That sucks! I hope you get better and don’t have any other problems…

Dang that looks painful! How big a stair set was it? Is you other ankle ok? Hope you get better soon! I know ankle injuries hurt bad. :astonished:

OUCH!! :astonished:

Just looking at your pic makes me want to rub my ankles grateful that they are ok. I’ll take the skinned knee I got today (didn’t feel like using knee pads) and not complain.

OUCH!!! :astonished: Sure hope you heal soon.

that suks alot!! I havent sprained mine yet, but i keep busting it open on my cranks…so its been all bloody on and off for 2 months…
yours looks way worse though…cuse its all swollen and stuff and ouch…


And the bone is good!? WOW! Lucky and unlucky at the same time. Sorry you can’t ride for a while.

Thanks for all the well wishes everyone… I’m used to having busted open skin on my ankles, and I broke my big toe before because of the uni, but never anything that knocked me down like this before.

These are the stairs that did the damage, which is what really bums me out… that I got broke on such a small set that I’ve cleared countless times before and never think twice about. It goes with the territory though, and frankly I’m amazed this is the worst I’ve been hurt in the last 3 years of unicycling. Time now to lay down with some ice and watch defect longingly…


Yeah, ankle injuries on unicycles are teh suck.

Just linking you to that video to show that I feel your pain, though that was a while ago.

Hope the recovery is quick and … enjoyable?


Dang. You got owned. No…you got wtfpwned.

Hope it heals quickly.

This get me higher than a 6 kington?

dam thats nasty, the slow motion was disturbing, did anything break?

OOh… it’s turning into such pretty colors!


Hope you’re feeling better.