Hot Sauce.

For lunch and dinners for the staff sriracha is like ketchup for us, it goes on everything and lots of it. There are other chilli sauces with roosters on it though.

Hot sauces I don’t usually find that spicy, but they taste good.

If I want spice its all about Chili oils or just straight up chillies.

If you want good hot sauce or spicy food come to Asia. I have been blown away a few times and have spent a considerable amount crying into my food.

The best is spicy meat on a stick that you buy on the street. It is cooked in a sort of BBQ that looks pretty home made. I don’t know what kind of meat it is, probably either pork or beef since it is pretty cheap (dog meat would be more expensive) and you get an amazing amount of it for only one yuan. They coat it in sauce then if you want they coat it in chili oil and dried chili peppers. Soooo good, I think I had about 8 of them yesterday!

If you think wasabi is hot, you should mix up a big bucket of it then cover it and leave it for a day or so in the fridge, then open it and the second its open take in a huge sniff.

I did this once to try and make myself sneeze, I nearly made myself puke instead, I was hacking up a lung it was so strong.

Actually just don’t do it, its probably one of the worst spicy sensations I have ever experienced.

I can’t stand anything hot at all. It’s tears my mouth up really bad. Even things like hot cheetos and bbq chips taste really hot to me to the point of discomfort almost.