My friend and I both have Medal of Honor Allied Assault. We want to play each other but he doesn’t have the internet, so we were going to hook his laptop up to my compter. We would be sitting in the same room playing each other.
How could we hook it up? I don’t have a wireless router so that won’t work.
One of those may work, or a cross-over cable. Basically, it’s a network cable but is built a bit differentl so that you can connect machines together directly.
Alternately, even if you don’t have a router, you can get a hub or switch and simply assign the IPs of the machines directly.
I don’t know if that USB Data Link actually creates a network connection, which is what you’d need to play games. I think it’s probably a proprietary connection just for transferring files rather than a generic network connection.
If both laptops have Ethernet ports you can use a crossover cable to connect the two computers. Then you create a network connection between the two computers just like normal as if you had a hub and a little home LAN. You’ll have to enable the necessary networking drivers in Windows and the necessary protocols. There are home networking sites on the Internet that will help you with that.
If you get a crossover cable be sure to mark it specifically as a crossover cable. It is very irritating to pick up a crossover cable thinking it is a normal cable when trying to connect to a network. All my crossover cables have tape on them that clearly says “crossover cable”.
Okay I got a RG45 cable for LAN and it worked. Now here is the question. Could i put on of these in and we both use my internet during the game for multiplayer?
Go down to RJ45 Cable Splitter about 3rd from the bottom. KH.
The better solution (if you’re using broadband rather than a dialup) is to get a router that includes a built in NAT firewall. They’re under $50 now. Allows you to share an internet connection with 4 or more computers and includes a basic NAT style firewall to protect you from worms and other nasties. It’s crazy to connect to broadband internet without one.
A router like that will do what you want. When a friend comes over they’ll be able to plug into your network. You’ll be able to game with them and they’ll be able to share your internet connection. You just have to enable the proper network drivers and protocols and setup the network. You’ll aslo need to enable and configure port forwarding in the rounter if your game requires a specific port to be connected to the internet.
With the router you won’t need a crossover cable, just normal cables.