Does anyone but me and JonnyD frequent this website? I, personally, find this website, the best comedy cartoon website out there, you should check it out!!
Homestar Runner Dot Com (It’s Dot net)
go to the beginner thingy in the top right corner, oh and I think you will need flash…
-Jonathan Ware-

I love strong bad…

someone should send him an email asking if he can unicycle. I’m just too lazy to do it myself.


Actually, bagpiperboy already did, quite some time ago, but he hasn’t responded :angry: Anyway, he’s still awesome.

homestar rocks

that site is awesome. the characters are awesome. we should write strongbad an email about uniclcling and say it is from people. it will give our sport and the websight needed publicity.

hey Bagpiper, where did you find out about Homestar? I’ve known about it for a while and it is hilarious.

Just curious

Hmmm… I’m not a fan, to be honest. I like my flash short and to the point, or parodial, like this piece of genius that is Tales for the l33t - Romeo And Juliet.

Other places I procrastinate on when I should really be doing something more productive (besides the obvious) include Slashdot , The Register and Everything2. When I’m really desperate I try to count exactly how many English words people have used on the MBUK Forums. It generally doesn’t require many fingers.

Phil, just me

My cousin (in law?) showed it to me, and I’ve been a fan ever since, yes I truly did email him on unicycling, maybe he will answer it… maybe he won’t. Maybe if we all email them, they will realize that it is important…
-Jonathan Ware