Homeshoolers - YEAH!

I am my own teacher. Does that count?

i was school schooled, is home schooling the appropriate term?

I thought the term school involved more than one learner? and one was tutition(sp)?

Ha, if you mean evan byrne then no, he doesn’t do school.

How can you not do any kind of school? It’s a requirment until you’re 18 I think…

I think thats it. I don’t know anything about it.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure evan does unschooling too.

Sure. He’s figured out how to get nothing done by making the teacher do all his work and even take dictation when it’s time to do writing. The teacher is in her first year and falls for it every time.

…Oh poor boy, his pencil is shurting his finger. Let me do that problem for you…

So now he’s falling behind in every subject and I am in the throes of trying to get him with a more experienced teacher that can see through this type of behavior.

Good choice. I help tutor some kids near where I live that are mostly in 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade. It is very obvious when they don’t have they basic’s down. And if you don’t get the basics down when your supposed to you are screwed for the rest of your schooling or have to work really hard to get them.

I like school to some point. I gives me time to oggle at my hot teacher ( I swear she wants us to look at her the way she dresses and does stuff lol not that I mind:D) and talk with friends. Even though I don’t feel like going alot I would still rather do that than be homeschooled.

I’m homeschooled and it’s awesome.

Hey, that’s awsome… I’ve been homeschooled all my life.

I go to teaching facilities.

They’re horrid, I learn better on my own, and without “Theory” work.

Theory is the worst subject, it doesn’t really teach you anything.

I’m going to a Welding School four days a week, we don’t do theory, it’s useless.

Theory can’t teach you patience and skill.

I’ve only been homeschooled for 7 or 8 years. Before that it was a Montessori school where I did absolutely nothing. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m homeschooled. Its Great!!!:smiley: :smiley:

i’m homeschooled. it’s cool most of the time.

I’ve never met anyone who’s ever homeschooled.

Maybe it’s coz the schools are better here.

Or its just a northern hemisphere thing.

Hehe, I could of been in the best school this planet has to offer, and I still would of left to learn in an alternitave style.

Maybe unicyclists are more willng to try new things than other people.

I wouldnt doubt that. We are an oddity in this world.

I know two people who were home-schooled, their home schooling was very different form each others but I could not help but notice some similarities. Mindy was home schooled on her fathers ranch in Alberta while Azien was home schooled wherever his family moved from Ottawa to Vancouver to Whitehorse to Saskatoon to Bangladesh. Their experiences were very different but both are slightly above average in their academics but both have some difficulties in social situations due to their lack of exposure to things that were common to the majority of people who went to school for our education.

They are much better at thinking “out of the box” than most people that I know because they were not forced to conform in their thinking with the rest of their class. Personally I blame that conformity for the fact that I can no-longer speak French, I spoke as much French as English as a kid and a little bit of German but when we started to take French in school I was not allowed to answer the questions due to the fact that my French was better than the teachers and to give the other students a chance to answer the questions. I was forced to think like someone who did not know how to speak French during French class and after taking French for two years I was no longer fluent. That would not have happened if I were home schooled.

Sorry that turned into a rant about French class but my point was that in my experience homeschoolers are more apt to think out of the box but are less likely to fit in from a social aspect