Home made effects pedals

Does anyone make their own guitar effects pedals?

Its something I would love to get into.

www.buildyourownclone.com offers kits that you can buy to build one, but they are just as expensive as going out and buying a pre assembled one.

Basically all that I want is the circuit board with all the peices and parts that get soldered onto it. But how do I know what to buy?

I might have just found exactly what I am looking for…

EDIT: possibly even a better one!

dont you love how I make new threads and answer my own question moments later?

Mass production makes it cheaper to buy one already assembled than to buy the parts. The reason to buy the parts is to learn how to do it yourself, perhaps so that you can design your own.

PAiA sells some kits. I assembled one of their synth kits once, and it was easy enough for a beginner with a soldering iron, patience, and the ability to follow directions.

I plan to make a talkbox soon. Thats going to be fun.