Anyone else see this? i watched it yestarday. its one of the most crazy things ive seen. Props to this guy.
In all physical aspects, he should be dead from that fall, or paralyzed if anything. Being its 45ft tall, and hes 5’8, thats roughly 8 times his height. In emergency medical care, we know that a fall thats 2 and 1/2 times your height will cause many problems, he survived a fall 8 times his height, without many of the things that happen when falling 2 and 1/2 times your height.
I know where you come from, Maestro… It’s already hard to admit that the rest of the world might have some tiny bit of knowledge…
…If people start to display it on the internet randomly, where will our world go!!
maybe something along the lines of:
“I shouldn’t have poked fun on this unicyle guy about the missing wheels”
watch it again and you’ll see he had all the time needed even to pronounce these words
Whenever I used to take 20ft or bigger falls on my snowboard there was typically 2 types of train of thought that would happen.
If it was a fall I thought I could get out of, my thoughts would be on the arrogant side. Like, “I got this”.
When the fall was like Jakes where you are no way in control and are wiggling around and are way to high up for it to be a safe landing, it goes something like, " Oh SH** this ones gonna hurt, take the fall".
Its important to stay calm, and adjust your self so you fall correctly, which is why he was doing all the leg kicking to straighten himself out.
The thought of DEATH without a doubt crossed his mind, sometimes knowing death is an option is enough to keep you alive.
If I were that high up, I’d try to enjoy the fall, untill I hit the ground of course. Haha kind of like sky diving without a parachute, but on a much smaller scale, without as many harsh consequences. I don’t think I would be able to enjoy it at all, but if I could, life would be 10x more fun