Holy Grail of Suspension unicycles. HA! EUREKA!

What would save your precious jewels? lol

I cant wait to see this :stuck_out_tongue: Looks like a awesome plan :slight_smile:

Pogo stick spring cranks

I wonder if someone with good jumping skills, could jump off a 2 ft drop with a spring-crank set up, as a prejump, then pogo up and get a pedal grab on the top of a regular fence. Maybe 4 or 6 feet up. :smiley:

I predict this pogo uni may be for experts only. I have no idea for a design for spring cranks. Yet it should be possible to make this uni very light. Our hubs and cranks must take harsh abrupt impacts, a spring crank system would spread the impact time frame, allowing light parts.

I think the tension in the spring cranks would be such that the crank would ride identical to a solid in all respects. Only the force of a 2 ft drop and big kick would be enough to compress the crank spring. Then you are the new pedal grab champ !:slight_smile:

really? lol (jack jack :smiley: )

i’m like…this normally doesnt happen to me… what? i mean seriously, i was caught off gaurd, and i dont know what the joke is? is it a sex joke? i’m sure its funy, i just dont understand.

not saying its impossible, but it is pointless, it would be too hard to control and all 1/2 way simple designs would fail under any real non-vertical force

my system is pretty alright imo. Its like foolproof.

the one at the beginning?
no it isn’t, you have nothing to keep the frame from seriously flexing left to right, normally this would be a vertical force on the bearings, but your design makes it a torque force on the bearings, which will destroy them very quickly if it doesn’t make the wheel rub too much, and a good strut for your design would be a truck camper… the things that cover the bed of a truck, the things that lift that door at the back.

well, that one has a few flaws, but ive revised it to a small, simple, and clean looking design that i know will work almost flawless at first. Its far different, yet uses the same concept. this one works way better theoretically.

Well…let’s see it.

no no no! No ones seeing it except for the people helping me build it. Once its finished, i’ll post pics and vids, but for now, its just words. I’ll show it at Mondo 09 if i build it by then.

Then you’ve already told us everything there is to hear about it.


Well, yes, about the past idea, and what i’m going to tell you about the revised idea. This is all i’m releasing is that its smaller, lighter, and will work better.

My main point is for it to be used on anything larger than a 20’‘, My system cant fit on a 20’’ tire.

Let me ask you something. Did the past idea work at all? Was it ever built? If not, how will this new, unreleased idea be smaller, lighter, and work better?

Why are we now frequently plagued with the next great technical contributions to unicycling but no one can talk about them or show diagrams of them? Geared cranks and suspension frames that are so secret they exist only as empty threads with no information and no promise of fruition?

here, i’ll clarify for your ability, and for everyone elses knowledge. Let this be known that these are my ideas, and please dont steel them.

My first idea was never seriously built. I was going to build it, but it took way too many parts. The gear system was just really really big and was too complicated.

I simplified this idea into a gear system thats going to be the length, and height of 1 and 1/2 playing cards. The new design is far different. You dont understand also that the piston shocks will act as a frame itself really.

the new system still requires a shock on each side, as well as a gear system for each side, but it works really really small.

It takes 1 gear on the axel, another for the crank, and another for the chain tensioner.

just a warning, the chain tensioners are going to have to be extremely tight, possibly to the point of serious drag when pedalling.

Wow. Now at least I know one thing I don’t understand. I wonder what a picture of what I don’t understand looks like.

Great idea but will it work? Because doesn’t all your weight have to be on the saddle. The suspension will act as if there is no weight on saddle and make you wobble-ride or fall off unless your great at uniing!!

Have your parents explain it to you :slight_smile: