Holloween Unicycling

so i fully intend on incorporating a unicycle into my holloween costume, but i dont want to be a clown. i have a jester costume, but i dont want to. any ideas for something that doesnt empty my pocket?

also, i have a few uncarved pumpkins. any unicycle designs been tried before?


nah i dont wanna take my cranks off

ok im reviving this because halloween is today. and i feel like wearing my jester costume would be too stereotypical. ideas?

It’s not a costume, but you could attach a Broom stick on to a unicycle underneath the saddle.


u could be anything, just add “on a unicycle” to the title when people ask. :smiley:

Take one plain, white bedsheet.
Cut eyeholes.

i wore all black and said i was a ape

and then bolt your ankles to the hub

im thinking just wear all black, including LOTR style facemask, and claim i am somethin weird, on a unicycle.

If people want to go for the Gizmoduck theme. Then why not use this as the wheel???

Hmm. How many trick-or-treaters have come to my door on real unicycles? Uh, zero. Ever. :slight_smile:

john i totally forgot! i should have gone to your house! on a unicycle! damnit! you should have commented earlier, cuz i would have gone.