
what are your hobbies

heres mine ITs r/c



I like to unicycle in my spare time.


Your signature says you fly helicopters, but that pic looks like a jet! Both are pretty cool.

I’d personally like to fly a blimp!

And have a nice salt water fish tank. I used to have a great tank of brackish water fish, including synondatis angelica from Lake Tanganika and “Jumbo sharks” (not related to sharks).


i fly helis, planes, and cars…

i just bought 3 helis(wich cost 3000 bucks)

My hobbie’s are DDR, video games, uni, TENNIS! and eatting and sleeping all the time.

I juggle and play the violin fairly well, and keep a freshwater aquarium with giant danios, kuhli loaches, and a bristlenose catfish. I plan to add some gouramis soon.

As of monday one of my new hobbies will be wood turning. I’ve wanted to get a lathe for years, and I’m finally doing something about it.


unicycling, computer programing (in Java mainly), web design, etc…

On my spare time I create things for people on my computer aided drafting program and I also do anything that looks amusing.

BAss guiatr, skate, listen to music, chill with pals…


juggle, video games, unicycle. other random sports, frisbee, post on forums(active on 3, lurk about 3 more), distance biking, some bike touring, drinking gin, um, some digital photography…if i could get unlazy for it, i’d paint.

I used to have hobbies but now I have children.

Bruce, you stole my thunder!

My hobbies are keeping the chickens supplied with food and water and unicycling (I unicycle, not the chickens). John and I are currently slowly working on re-building our HO Railroad set. We do a fair amount of family bicycle/tandem riding too, favorite destination is a brewery located about 1/4 mile off the trail.

My wife and I are also both amateur chauffeurs. We’d go pro if we could figure out a way to make it pay. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, here’s our hobby for the next 12 weeks. The boys’ soccer club is in a town ½ hour to the east. Ben has practice Mon/Wed evenings, Brad has practice Tue/Thurs evenings, unicycle club on Friday nights, Brad’s games are on Saturday and Ben’s games are on Sunday, not to mention that half the games are away games and a 1½-2 hour drive into the burbs. Plus the first week of club overlaps with the last game of indoor…four games that weekend. Also, somewhere in the next 12 weeks, we’ll fit in two tournaments.

Hobbies? What are they? :slight_smile:

Bruce, the exhausted

How do you take your gin?

I like lots of LIME.

my hobbie would be watchign anime, im still addicted, the thread prlly got canceld but it was around for a while, you might remeber it, or you might forget to remeber it

i like gin on rocks, sounds funnyy i know

I fly-fish, tie trout flies, bike, hike, canoe, and raise 3 boys.

i streetluge, unicycle, and use the internet.:slight_smile: