Hiya...from Jersey :)


I just wondered if there are any unicyclists from Jersey (in the UK, and NOT New Jersey).

Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

You know, we from the “What’s that Smell State”, uh, I mean Garden State, really take offense to your tone.

In any event, just you try raising a nine year old “jersey girl”. No picnic, I’ll tell you.

Oh, and since you did say, “jersey” and not “joisey”, I think we all got the point. :wink:

Enough cliches for you? (I’ve got more). (And no, I don’t know how to put the freakin’ accent on cliche, thank you very much).

Raphael Lasar

what a great start to my first thread :slight_smile:

It’s just that if I didnt say that then people like you would come along and say “Yeah i’ll see you on 53rd street”. :stuck_out_tongue:

Punk, I’ll forgive you for that one. And I wont make any calls that might interrupt your garbage collection. This time!

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

On every other occasion JJuggle has proved to be a great guy. Possibly he’s had a bad drink or something?

And welcome on the forums!

Klaas Bil

judging by the smiley at the end of that, u’re gonna be just fine


I gave up taking people on the internet seriously ages ago (no offence, although I’m sure someone will take some anyway :roll_eyes: )

Twigman, if that is your real name, you are wise to behave so.

Still, to atone for my irreverence and deliberate disregard for your clear intent and as a small peace offering, I ran a news search against the Factiva* database trying to find any article in the past 20 years or so, relating to unicycling on Jersey. Excluding the terms “new jersey” and “nj”, I unfortunately came up with nothing. While this is bad news in terms of helping you find riding companionship, it is good news in that it leaves open the entire field of being the first Jersey (UK) unicyclist to do something newsworthy.

*Factiva is a database of news sources including newspapers, magazines, and wire services. It goes back at least 20 or so years and covers in excess of 6500 sources (although not all of them for the full 20 or so years).

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

lol ok thanks

Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

What exit?

(sorry, “New” Jersey is often the butt of humor – but it’s not as bad as living in Cleveland or Scranton)

For some NJ humor, check out
(most everything on the list rings true, especially the last one)

Sorry I’m from the wrong Jersey. But welcome to the forums!

Dave (uni57)
P.S. - It’s really quite sad, you know. Because you were first. You shouldn’t have to qualify which Jersey you are from. We should. If it makes you feel any better, I always say New Jersey, because leaving off the New is disrespectful, in my opinion. And it creates confusion, but never for us – most of us don’t even know about the other Jersey (hey, it was news to me). In any event, I guess our oil refineries, wall-to-wall malls and strip malls, Jersey shore, strange highway configurations (to turn left, you have to turn right – that’s how a jug-handle works, you see, it’s really quite simple…), and of course, our proximity to “the city” – have made us more famous. But please don’t envy us.

Re: Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

Please don’t under any circumstances take Dave’s word for it. He’s from New Jersey and strongly biased. Go here:


to Weird New Jersey and see for yourself.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Re: Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

Does New Jersey not allow you to pump your own gas? I thought Oregon was the only state that requred a station attendant to pump the gas (no self service). I used to live in Oregon and I really liked not having to get out of the car for a fill up (especially when it was cold outside).

Re: Re: Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

We are not allowed, for some reason. And I like it that way.

But if you have a motorcycle, you always pump your own gas. You are probably technically not allowed, but they expect you to pump your own gas. (I’m talking Harleys here – I don’t know what the crotch-rocket crowd does…) But the nice thing is that the pumps are simple to operate. Because they are NOT for public use. You don’t have to figure out whether to pay first or pay at the end, or any other nonsense like that. When I go out-of-state (and inevitably experience gas pump anxiety), sometimes the pump won’t pump – and then I figure out that you have to pay first or press some mystery button or something. In “New” Jersey, you don’t have all those pump complications. And if you are in your car on a cold day, you just have to roll down the window enough so they can hear you speak and so you can hand money out through the crack. And if you are lucky, they will take the squeegee thing (yes, that’s how you spell it) and wash your windows too!

Dave (uni57)

Re: Re: Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

this is rather interesting from the south african perspective where there is no place u can ever pump your own gas
every filling station has a team of attendants on the forecourt and while filling up your car they offer to check your water and oil and wash your windscreen
for this, a tip of around R2 is customary but not as expected as the 10% in a restaurant
R2 is roughly 1/5 of a big mac for international reference
this system of pump attendants is largely seen as a hold-over from our ‘apartheid-regime’ who introduced it in an attempt to address south africa’s unemployment issues

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

I have a new found respect for New Jersey. :slight_smile:

Re: Re: Re: Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

I am just old enough to remember service stations (as opposed to gas stations). My boys thought the service stations were pretty funny in the movie “Back to the Future”.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Hiya…from Jersey :slight_smile:

But I hope, not the movie itself. :wink:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ