Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy-

So, how’s this one going to be? I’m a bit scared to go see it, though I want to. I hope it’s not bad, anyway.

I loved the books, though I haven’t read them for a while.

Have any british ppls seen it yet? Impressions?

just read the books, i dug them, but i dont know how the movies can compare

yeah, that’s what I’m thinking. I’ll end up watching it though. If only so I can laugh at the stupidity.

me too probly

I always find the books better than their corresponding movies…

I loved the radio series, which I’ve heard a couple of times. The sound production gave it a lot of great atmosphere. If you can get ahold of it on tape or CD, give it a listen. I haven’t read the books, which is odd because I like the other Adams books that I’ve read (the Dirk Gently books, and Last Chance To See). I don’t really feel a need to see the movie. I’ll probably rent it some day.

I haven’t read the book(s?) but have been planning to. I don’t even know what they’re about, I’ve just heard the good reputation. I’m keen to hear what the movie’s like so I can decide whether to read them first.


For once I hope they change the ending. Douglas Adams’ books are great, but his endings are strangely abrupt and unsattisfying.

My brother went to see it last night and came back with mostly good things to say about it. Apparently they’re cast it very well…Bill Bailey does the voice of the whale. And there are some nods to the TV series throughout, little cameos from some of the characters and costumes from the tv series. I’m going to see it on Saturday methinks.

If my bro reckons it’s good, then it must be worth a watch. He’s a massive hitch hiker fan and was as worried as me about them messing up the film. But apparently they’ve done a good job.


Just saw this movie. I’d never read the books, never had any interest, and didn’t even particularly want to see the movie, but my wife did and so we went.

Very clever, charming, and amusing. Droll British humor abounds and the fact that unanswerable questions go unanswered doesn’t detract. The performances are wonderful as well.

I think the guys behind us who love the books were not entirely pleased though.


Is the book essentially a love story as the movie seems to be?

Isn’t that one of the essential elements of a good movie/story nowadays?

Well, maybe, but I just thought that a cult favorite like this with the sort of people who rave about it raving about it would be more than just a love story. I mean there’s lots of cool and clever stuff in the middle but in the final analysis it’s a love story.

yeah, it’s kind of of a love story. also an arthur dent finds himself story. I need to see this now that it’s out, but our stupid theater doesn’t have it.

I’ve read teh first two in the Hitchhikers Guide series, and they’re pretty awesome. the trailer for the movie makes it look like CRAP though. oh well, books always rule over movies.

We are going to see it tomorrow. I’m keen to see it, I liked the books and have the radio series on Cd in the car. One thing that will be werid will be seeing Martin Freeman as Arthur Dent, I worked with him on a play a few years back, its been odd seeing him on posters all over the bus stops round here. I keep thinking “there’s Martin” rather than “theres Arthur Dent”.


My nephew saw it yesterday. He really liked it. He apparently had red the book just before going to the movie, and he thought the movie stuck to the book better than almost anything else he’s ever seen/read. He noted that there was a scene in the movie that was not in the book.

I am anxious to see it. I don’t think I ever read the book, but I did watch the British series back in the 80s.

Douglas Adams worked on the movie, so I’m assuming it’s pretty darn accurate to the book, and should have the same feeling to it.

I saw a midnight screening the day it came out (Thursday night / Friday morning) and was very impressed. The crowd at this screening was the creme de la geek, most with towels and/or bathrobes, and even a few with faux HHGTG books!

The production was top notch… great costumes, eye-popping sets, and the cast couldn’t have been chosen any better (I absolutely loved Zaphod Beeblebrox!). I had read the series a couple times through and enjoyed the adherance to the spirit of the book.

According to a Wired News article (sorry, no link) Douglas Adams wrote a couple scenes into the movie that weren’t in the book. They were very Douglas Adams, though, and involved casting John Malkovich (sp?) into the movie. Yet another great casting decision.

Unfortunately, Hollywood did have their way with the script… There were a few passages that the movie could have done without, but Hollywood never fails with (i.e. chase scene, boy kisses girl scene, plot “continuity” scenes, etc.) These scenes definitely slowed the movie down, in comparison to the book, which throws out comedy at a breakneck pace.

At the end of the movie there was a hint towards a sequel (a mention of the Restaurant at the End of the Universe) but since the passing of Adams (RIP) I doubt it will be nearly as good as this flick.

I give this one a 270 unispin to wheel hop down three stairs. A must-see, even for those who haven’t read the book. Hopefully this will inspire new generations to read the classic texts!

Did they use a medium for that? I believe he is dead.

the movie has been in the works for a LONG time. D.A. worked on it in early stages, maybe. At least I think so.