Hiroshima Bomb

Hiroshima Bomb: Right or Wrong?

WWII: Right or Wrong?
War in the Pacific: Right or Wrong?
War in Europe: Right or Wrong?

I was saying earlier, there was this thingy on TV about it: “Aww, those damn american fuckwads.” No offence :smiley: Ofcourse it’s wrong, the whole idea of war is wrong, what kind of a bloody question is that.

Let’s extend that list:

  • Blaming Brazil for making an atomic bomb (1961): Right or wrong?
  • Berlin wall (1961): Right or wrong?
  • KGB founding and training PLO into terrorism: Right or wrong?
  • Arafat claiming to be the inventor of terrorism (after Munich 1972): Right or wrong?
  • Arafat getting into politics: Right or wrong?
  • Terrorism: Right or wrong?
  • Terrorism against apartheid in South-Afrika (80’s): Right or wrong?
  • Nuclier tests of France in the Atlantic (80’s): a good balance between nucliar countries or wrong?
  • Ceausescu claiming making an atomic bomb: truth or bluff?
  • Sadam claiming making an atomic bomb: truth or bluff?
  • Blix: Now was he right or what?
  • West Bank wall: Right or wrong?
  • Turkey becoming EU member without accepting Cyprus: Right or wrong?
  • The US breaking Reagon’s/Gorbatsjov’s Geneva nuclier convent by only increasing in stead of the agreed decrease: Right or wrong?
  • Loosing all your privacy: are we any safer now?
  • Code red: was it ever right? or was it always wrong?
  • Not acrediting the International War Tribunal in the Hague + using your diplomats to let other countries do the same (by the US): Right or wrong?
  • The US having a “Dutch invasion law” to be able to atack The Netherlands “legally” -but still violate the NATO membership-: …
  • Having a jail on Cuba (and elsewhere!) to be able to violate the Geneva war convent by a country claiming to be policing the world and fight for democracy and freedom anywhere. Let’s stand united?
    Or not to sound anti-war or anti-USA:
  • The US troops in Dafur getting no support: …?

This topic has the potential to make a loooooooong thread.
Let’s keep this one simple and add a poll “who’s against making innocent victoms by either war, terrorism, or war on terrorism?”

a lot of japs had to die before they would surrender, at least it got that out of the way.

Not only is that fascist, it is incorrect. The emperor of Japan made an audio recording of a surrender before they were bombed, we just didn’t receive it in time, get your facts straight.

War: Right or Wrong?

necrophilia: right or wrong?

Well you can’t say Japan wasn’t given fair warning.

Don’t pretend that they were going to surrender before we dropped the bombs. There WAS going to be a land war - in fact they almost didn’t surrender after the second bomb. They only reason they did was because they thought we had more.

A land war would have cost countless lives on both sides, just probably less civilian lives than the bomb cost. However, since every side was carpet bombing major cities during the time there still would have been significant civilian casualties. Also, if we did invade Japan the civilians would have fought against us - that’s how japan was at the time.

There really is no right answer. Civilians should never be involved in a war, and war should never happen, but it does and then shit hits the fan. Assuming dropping the bomb was the correct choice (which I’m not) is should have at least been targeted at military and not residential areas.

Re: Hiroshima Bomb

Wrong. Hiroshima was a city, not a bomb. Hiroshima is also a jazz band. Little Boy was a bomb.

I’m not going to rant on about the rights or wrongs of civilian targeted nuclear weapons. Luckily only two were deployed.

What I will say is that I hope that no-one ever has to be on the receiving end of one ever again. EVER.

Pearl Harbor – wrong

Hiroshima – wrong, but wouldn’t have happened if Japan would have thought before messing with the big kid on the block