Hillarious newbie story

Well during the summer i went to a sleep over. In the morning a friend of mine was watching me surfing unicycle.com. He said “dude it would be so cool to get into unicycling!” The great part was he was truely interested. So i told him to go and buy one of those cheap yet strong unis for around $90 and just try to ride. Anyway that was a few weeks ago and I’m back in school. I don’t have any classes with him but see him in the halls. Guess what. He’s got a cast on his right arm:D !!! I found out that he went to Dick’s sporting goods store and bought an $80 savage 24". He learned to ride it over the summer and rode to the park where he went down his first hill and crashed into a tree. He’s still interested so once his arm is better i’m going to probably go over his house and teach him some stuff. I’m going to try to get him on the forum soon. Do you have a funny story about someone you truely inspired to learn the uni?

The first person I ever tried to teach to unicycle was the English boyfriend of my best friends’ sister. He broke his wrist on the first day and never tried again.

Actually I just saw him during our trip to England this month. He still doesn’t unicycle but my best friends’ sister is now his ex-wife and the godmother of his daughter with his second wife.

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

sorry, but shouldn’t this be here?


I suppose if that thread had been called "Odd or tenous connections you have with non-unicyclists" it would. :slight_smile:

Raphael Lasar
Matawan, NJ

Me and my freind tried to get another freind to ride but after one try and a skinned elbow he quit and for months he badmouthed unicycles and said that b!kes were better and such.And then about two months ago he finally learned how and know he MUnis with me all the time and he loves unicycling.