look at this water balloon popping in slow mo!
that is undeniably the most ballin shit ever
That is so tite, you should get one of those camera’s and figure out a way to make some unicycle thing look cool like that. I bet there expensive though.
That is very cool!
Freakin’ awesome!
The videos in the gallery are cool too…there’s a full version of the water balloon pop there
you could film a coker rider and make it look like he’s riding the speed of a 29r
Wow, that was bloody amazing! Im checkin out the gallery - i wonder how much one of those slow-motion camera’s would cost ay!
Get a standard Coker (with the steel rim) and rig it to inflate the tire as the rider is riding. I figure at somewhere around 80 psi or 90 psi the tire will blow off the rim – in high speed slow motion.
haha that is really cool.
That is sweet! I’d like to see some UPDs and high drops into tacos on one of those things…
i want to video some of the stuff I do in high speed, sometimes grabs and stuff are just so fast that the video doesn’t catch anything but blur
triple flip
in slowmo
thats what we really need
Watch the car crash one… it looks like the car is made out of a tin can!
wholey crap, with the golf ball one the camera is doing 10,000 fps.
thats like loads more than my 25fps. whoa that is so cool.
My brother used to have a Super-8 (film) movie camera that could do up to 96fps. Nothing like the water balloon, but he has an old film of me riding on snow in our front yard in 1981 or so. It shows me doing skids and making the powdery snow fly, then getting the wheel too far forward and doing a super-slow fall flat on my back.
Those are amazing.
Anyone going to IBC in Amsterdam this weekend?
I e-mailed the people at the website, asking for the high-res versions, and they pointed me to their ftp site. It’s got all kinds of like uncompressed 30 meg videos.
Don’t use firefox, though. It doesn’t like it. Gotta use IE.
Firefox is working fine here…
oh. okay. mine didn’t work.
Have you been looking at the videos? cool, eh?
Cool movies!
lol look at the golf ball ! http://www.photron.com/gallery/gallery.cfm