High on juggling!

oh yeah i’e just had an awesome 2 hour juggling/staff/diabolo practice and i feel so happy! its like i’ve taken some kinda happy drugs or something :stuck_out_tongue: anyone else feel like this after practices?

Juggling is like a drug it is addictive! :wink:

Nope, not after practices, but I really push myself during practices. But when I am just having fun, I definitly feel it.

After juggling new skills it is a big rush and i cant sit still it is like going to the jim and working out but for your head and body. just learned to pass three clubs going unicycling is better. :smiley:

Yeah, I forgot about that, after learning, or achieving a new trick for the first time it feels really great too.

I can only do 3 balls. I CANT DO FOUR!!!

I’m high on life. Does that count?

long as yr happy then course it does ! :stuck_out_tongue: