In the summer i was up to about 60cm on my hops totally gone now due to a lack of riding but anyways in half term i very much plan to get my trials back and bring it up 2 college, but what i found is that when i started to get pretty high and was going to rubber the tucking up method made me land really awardly on the pedals and would often fall off. HELP?
I would help you but that is one long sentence. If you want people to help you at least give them something they can understand and something easy to read. Makes everything work so much smoother. The reasons for having grammar and spelling rules in this language is so that you can write something and anyone can read it. Not using them makes it a lot harder for everyone. Also I think a little searching would have saved us having to look at this and you having to get ranted at.
God I hate Mondays.
Dude, smoke another doob and chill out.
This is a unicycling forum; I don’t think anyone comes here to learn proper English grammar and formatting. Let the poor English half-wits worry about their composition skills in school or at work.
Doob eh? Sounds like a plan. But yeah I’m just saying he would get more respect and replies if he searched first then posted a legible request.
OFFTOPIC: I think this is the only forum where people tell you to go do drugs…
Anyways, When I was first learning pedal grabs I would have the same problem when I would go to rubber, often I would land with my weight on my front pedal and be leaning awkwardly to one direction or another. Just mess around with putting all your wieght in different postions and find what fixed your landing. I eventually had to teach myself to push down on the back pedal to help me keep my weight even.
Clearly you havent been on the internet long
Just one of many places…