


Oi :smiley:

EDIT: bye!, Im going to bed… Forums are boring today… French guys are in CFM, anf FFM is stoped :frowning:

Hazmats pic is the best so far.:stuck_out_tongue:

Use the search!

BTM threads are so magical. His tyrannical satire has free rein here. It’s like ground hogs day is on rewind and Phil keeps seeing his shadow. BTM is winter and it just snowed in April. Forget global warming and 2012, BTM has the power. He’s like a mirror that shows something other than what it reflects.

Hello FTW.


First comment. :slight_smile:

Finally a Billy thread that I am comfortable in.

Welcome to you, Chrashing, Trevor, and everyone!

Hawo friend, welcome to the forums. :smiley:

Welcome to the forums!


