
hi scuse my english …i talk just in french .:slight_smile: i like unicycle and go to practice this !! ihihi


Hello and welcome to the forums!

Salut Azalae! Tu est sur le forum de Monotréal, non? Je crois qui oui. Je suis Wolfgang la-bas. Si tu as des questions, n’hésite pas de me le demander Il y as beacoup d’information qui cours ici! Plus qu’a Monotréal :wink:


Wilkommen, bienvenue, welcome.

Fremde, etranger, stranger.

Glucklich zu sehen, nous sommes enchanter, happy to see you.

Bleibe, reste, stay.

Hello How Are You!:smiley:

Salut! :smiley:

Bon-jour. Ca-va? BOF! Et-toi?

I can hardly speak french.

merci! thanks!

thanks for your acceuil they are well going to have a good time jai taken the option translator to speak to you since I suispas tres familiar has the anglais.ihih jaime a lot German on the contrary I had begin has learn it but jai not learnt beaucoup.bref… I am happy to come here to share my passion for the monocycle.ca makes only about 6 months that jen makes but I love ca!!! I espere learn knack of width this departure allots please begin a play in jump h. (arrival oui I participate in monotreal and have Qc uni-Roue(in de quebec city))

well…thanks and go to ride on uni!! :wink:



salut ca va ?

buenos dias!;)como esta? ihihi how are you ?you speak french?





Je ma pail Dominique, unicycle I ridique.
Co mon sa va bien, Misseir?
Due al et de ze crankflipste.

Salut Azalae et bienvenue

Je pense que tu devrais éviter google translate ou les trucs du genre, c’est pas vraiment efficace:(

En anglais comme pour le mono, le secret c’est de pratiquer;)

Bien et toi?
Oui, je parle! :smiley:
Mon ‘français’ n’est pas très bon mais je comprends tout que je lis/écoute.
Et, dans le Brésil, nous ne parlon pas espagnol! Hehe
Nous parlon portugais! :smiley:
Mais je parle espagnol aussi… alors… Buenos Dias! Muy bien, gracias! :stuck_out_tongue:

La banane dans la restaurant avec l’avion et la telegraphi.

Je bi.

Now somebody translate.

And welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forums.

Yah like Zzagg said the online translator does not work very well, My french sucks but I find it easier to understand good french or really broken english than a bad translation. I was sort of surprised to find there is not french sub-forum on here, maybe all the Francophones on here could petition Gilby into making one.

Glad you already found monotreal, never heard of Qc uni-Roue before but it looks like it could turn into something great.

The banana in the restaurant with the plane and the telegraph?

EDIT: Trust me Eric, I tried. :stuck_out_tongue:

Trust me Eric, I tried. :stuck_out_tongue:

People have tried multiple times, but Gilby doesn’t want it. There is already a French Uni forum. There is a different website with a German uni forum, too, but this was made after the German forum on unicyclist.com.

On devrais faire une pétition!

Voici ce que Gilby a dit… https://unicyclist.com//t/french-unicycling-forums/102224/1

re-bienvenu Azalae, Quelle monocycle as tu encore? Qu-ax?

Come and see us at http://monocycle.info/forums/… It’s the french uni federation site, so it’s filled with french unicyclists but there are members from Belgium, Switzerland, Canada…
It’s the biggest unicycle ressource in french and people are always welcome, whatever their location or their “mother tongue” is…

Viens nous voir, il y a déja quelques canadiens, des belges des suisses…
et tout un tas de “môdits français”:D;)