Hi there!

Hello! I’m new here. Don’t be too harsh on my english, please, it isn’t my first language. :slight_smile:
I just wanted to introduce myself a little. I’m italian, I’m a student in Pisa and in my town I know only few other unicyclists (one is a friend of mine, the others are random people I’ve met while riding and never saw more than two times in months).
I ride a 24" OnlyOne unicycle (low quality, I know, but I’m planning to buy a new one soon), and use it mostly to ride everywhere I need to go. My next one will be a 20" trial Qu-Ax, since I want to learn some tricks and the one I have is too big for it (I’m not very tall).

P.S. I’d also like to meet other unicyclists nearby, event though my hopes are rather low! :confused:

Welcome! I hope you enjoy being a member here. A lot of us want to visit to your country now after seeing Aspenmike’s account of unicycling up Passo della Stelvio:

Hi buccia!
I’m new here too! I’m from italy too, but I live in the north of Italy, in Belluno, a small town in the dolomites. My En is not good, so sorry for my mistakes.
I don’t wont to introduce myself now, but I wont only to tell you that here in Italy there are a lot of unicyclist, form Pisa too.
There are also a lot of opportunity to met other rider, because there are a lot of nice and really funny unicycle meeting.
Ask me if you wont other information, or send me a PM.!
Nice to met you and nice to met all the unicyclist.com community!

Don’t worry about the language issue, English is my only language and yours is better than mine.
Welcome to the forum by the way, its an invaluable sorce of uni knowledge,